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Koch Front Groups:
Americans for Prosperity
Americans for Prosperity Foundation
American Legislative Exchange Council
Cato Institute
Citizens for a Sound Economy
Citizens for a Strong America
Institute for Humane Studies
Institute For Justice
League of American Voters
MacIver Institute
Manhattan Institute for Policy Research
Mercatus Center
Reason Foundation
Right Wing Groups With Ties to the Kochs:
Americans for Tax Reform
American Majority
Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity
the Heartland Institute
John Birch Society
Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
Mackinac Center for Public Policy
Further Info on Koch Activities:
Follow The Money
Open Secrets: Koch Money
ALEC Exposed
Wisconsin/ Scott Walker Protest Sites:
Hey Scott Walker!
Scott Walker Watch
We Are Wisconsin
Recall the Republican 8
United Wisconsin
Defend Wisconsin
Wisconsin Wave
Recall The Republicans
Grand Ole Ponzi
Workplace Credible Activist
We Are One
MapLight.Org (Track campaign donations for any State or National politician)
Move Your Money
Pay Up Now!
Judge Sumi's Amended Restrasining Order (PDF)
CAP Report on the Koch Brothers (PDF)
Koch Industries 2010 Election Packet (PDF)
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