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AFL-CIO Blog: Private-Sector Workers Join Ohio Fight

By CD - Posted on 19 February 2011

-By Mike Hall

February 17, 2011- In Ohio, Gov. John Kasich (R) is fighting to eliminate collective bargaining rights for public employees—but private-sector workers know darn well an attack on middle-class jobs hurts all workers in the state.

Kasich’s S.B. 5 would eliminate collective bargaining rights for state workers. Some 5,000 workers were at the state Capitol in Columbus today protesting the bill.

In today’s hearing on the legislation, four members of the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) submitted testimony against the bill. Says Bonnie France, a meat department employee at an Englewood, Ohio, Kroger’s store:

Now, I understand that the state has budget issues and we need jobs, but taking away collective bargaining rights that enable people to have a decent wage, workplace safety and a voice is not the solution. This bill is only going to put Ohio further in the red. If people make less, they will spend less and, people will move out of state to find better opportunities.

Click here to read the testimony of all four UFCW members.


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