
August 25, 2013- AlterNet: 6 Filthy Facts About the Rich 

August 15, 2013- PR Watch: ALECexposed: List of Corporations and Special Interests that Underwrote ALEC's 40th Anniversary Meeting 

August 8, 2013- Huffington Post: 'Citizen Koch' Rescued By Small Donors As Documentary Outraises Funds Pulled By PBS

August 7, 2013- Politico: Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan headlined Koch summit

August 2, 2013- Common Dreams: Massive Toxic Black Cloud, Brought To You by the Koch Bros, Blows Over Detroit

July 22, 2013- Center For Public Integrity: Koch Industries PAC spending record cash

July 19, 2013- Huffington Post: Koch-Funded Climate Contrarians Make Mischief on Capitol Hill

July 11, 2013- Huffington Post: Charles Koch Foundation: An Income Of $34,000 Puts You In The Wealthiest 1 Percent

July 1, 2013- Investigative Reporting Workshop: Koch millions spread influence through nonprofits, colleges

June 20, 2013- Center For Public Integrity: Koch Industries PAC Bolts To Fast Start In 2013

June 17, 2013- Broward Palm Beach New Times: Rick Scott Signs Bill Banning Paid Sick Leave

May 27, 2013- The New Yorker: A Word from Our Sponsor

May 23, 2013- Greenpeace: Media Manipulators: David Koch resigns as WNET Trustee amid New Yorker article

May 20, 2013- PR Watch: PBS Killed Wisconsin Uprising Documentary "Citizen Koch" To Appease Koch Brothers 

May 14, 2013- Forbes: New App Lets You Boycott Koch Brothers, Monsanto And More By Scanning Your Shopping Cart

May 11, 2013- Politico: GOP, Koch brothers find there’s nothing finer than Carolina

May 10, 2013- Rolling Stone: Who Can Stop the Koch Brothers From Buying the Tribune Papers? Unions Can, and Should

May 9, 2013- Huffington Post: Koch Brothers' Ownership Of LA Times, Tribune Papers Met With Protests, Ads, State Leaders' Opposition

May 2, 2013- PR Watch: Kochs Form "Business League," Will Keep Political Spending In the Shadows

April 30, 2013- The Progressive: A Bigger, Darker Rightwing Funder

April 30, 2013- Huffington Post: If Koch Brothers Buy LA Times, Half of Staff May Quit

April 23, 2013- Media Matters: Tribune Company Scribes: Koch Brothers Purchase Could Turn Papers Into "Conservative Mouthpiece"

April 23, 2013- Mother Jones: EXCLUSIVE: Read the Koch Brothers' Plans for Their Upcoming GOP Donor Retreat

April 22, 2013- Mother Jones: Here's Why the Koch Brothers Would Buy the LA Times and Chicago Tribune

April 20, 2013- NY Times: Conservative Koch Brothers Turning Focus to Newspapers

April 12, 2013- Reuters: Billionaire William Koch wins $12 million in wine dispute

April 7, 2013- Politicus USA: Gov. Snyder’s Emergency Manager Law May Violate Equal Protection Rights

March 24, 2013- Huffington Post: California Officials Turn Up The Heat On Secretive 'Dark Money' Groups

March 12, 2013- Think Progress: REPORT: Koch Brothers Looking To Purchase Several Major American Newspapers

March 8, 2013- Alternet: The Corporate Assault on Public Education

March 4, 2013- WXYZ (ABC News, Detroit): Former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney candidate for Detroit's emergency financial manager?

February 26, 2013- City Watch: How FDR Would Bring Back America’s Middle Class: Tax the Rich

February 20, 2013- The Guardian: Keystone XL will have 'no impact on climate change', TransCanada boss says 

February 20, 2013- The Atlantic Wire: Koch Brothers Want to Know Why Their Money Was Wasted

February 18, 2013- Eco Watch: Confirmed: Tar Sands Toxic Liquid Waste Contaminating Local Waterways 

February 18, 2013- AlterNet: Playing Golf as the Planet Burns: Obama Meets With Oil-Man as Protesters Call for Halt to Keystone Pipeline 

February 17, 2013- RAW Story: Thousands protest Keystone XL pipeline in D.C.

February 7, 2013- Addicting Info: Drug Testing Plan In Georgia Nabs… One Person

January 30, 2013- Think Progress: ALEC Loses Two Big Names In Clean Power Over Opposition To Renewable Energy Standards

January 29, 2013- Think Progress: Confirmation Of Climate Hawk Kerry As Secretary Of State May Doom Dirty Keystone XL Pipeline

January 26, 2013- NY Times: Secret Donors Finance Fight Against Hagel

January 24, 2013- The Independent: Exclusive: Billionaires secretly fund attacks on climate science

January 21, 2013- Reuters: The Swiss turn on the super-rich 

January 17, 2013- CBC News: John Kerry owns stock in Canadian pro-Keystone XL firms 

January 17, 2012- Oil Change International: Petroleum Coke: The Coal Hiding in the Tar Sands 

January 16, 2013- Huffington Post: Even The Koch Brothers Disagree With The GOP On The Debt Ceiling

January 15, 2013- Huffington Post: Ken Cuccinelli Receives $50,000 Koch Brothers Contribution 

December 24, 2012- Forbes: Inside The Koch Empire: How The Brothers Plan To Reshape America

December 22, 2012- The Nation: David Koch Now Taking Aim at Hurricane Sandy Victims

December 22, 2012- Addicting Info: David Koch Spokesman Tells Hurricane Sandy Victims To ‘Suck It Up’

December 13, 2012- Daily Kos: Michigan House passes new version of emergency manager law repealed by voters

December 12, 2012- Politifact: Gov. Scott Walker says Wisconsin has created almost 100,000 jobs since he took office

December 12, 2012- Politicus USA: The Koch Puppet Governors Continue to Dance for Their Masters as Rome Burns

December 12, 2012- The American Prospect: The Billionaires' Long Game

December 12, 2012- NY Times: Selective Editing by Fox News Contributor Revealed by Fox News

December 11, 2012- Detroit Free Press: Editorial: Drinking the Kochs' Kool-Aid

December 11, 2012- Huffington Post: Koch Brothers Postpone Post-Election Meeting

December 8, 2012- Huffington Post: Bill Maher Explains The Fiscal Cliff, Calls For Carbon Tax

December 7, 2012- RAW Story: Fox News celebrates Michigan union busting as ‘Victory for Capitalism!’

November 29, 2012- Bradenton Herald: Florida failing to hold private schools accountable, even with state money

November 25, 2012- Tampa Bay Times: Gov. Rick Scott breaks with Koch brothers over health care in Florida

November 20, 2012- PR Watch: 117 ALEC Members Voted Out in 2012

November 19, 2012- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Campaign, county work intertwined under Walker, prosecutor says

November 9, 2012- Mother Jones: Koch-Backed Group Warns Chris Christie

October 25, 2012- DesMogBlog: Fakery 2: More Funny Finances, Free Of Tax

September 29, 2012- Miami Herald: Billionaire Koch brothers try to buy state’s court

September 25, 2012- Alternet: There's Been a Dictatorial Coup — Koch Bros. Have a Bunch of Czars Running Cities Across Michigan

September 22, 2012- The Nation: Koch Group Kicks Off Massive Voter Mobilization Effort 

August 28, 2012- Huffington Post: RNC 2012: GOP Shadow Groups Eclipsing Party In Tampa 

August 21, 2012- CNN: Group targets Koch brothers on cable ads

August 18, 2012- Pro Publica: How Nonprofits Spend Millions on Elections and Call it Public Welfare

August 18, 2012- The National Memo: GOP Consultant: Koch Brothers Bought Ryan’s Nomination With $100 Million Promise

August 16, 2012- Huffington Post: Not Voting? The Koch Brothers Thank You

August 7, 2012- Huffington Post: 'Koch Brothers Fire Back At Zach Galifianakis' Is Definitely Not A Headline I Ever Imagined Writing

August 7, 2012- Huffington Post: Koch Brothers, GOP Mega Donors, Help Bankroll Religious Conservative's 2012 Efforts

July 8, 2012- Southampton Patch: Protesters Crash Mitt Romney’s Hamptons Fundraiser

July 5, 2012- Truthout: ALEC Accused of Violating Its Tax-Exempt Status; Will the IRS Take Action?

July 2, 2012- Think Progress: Top Former Tax Code Enforcer Files Letter Asking IRS To Strip ALEC’s Non-Profit Status

June 13, 2012- The Awl: Our Billionaire Philanthropists

June 11, 2012- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Walker's brat summit gets bipartisan boycotts

June 6, 2012- Caledonia Patch: Lehman Declares Victory in Recall

June 5, 2012- LA Times: Wisconsin recall headed for a photo finish amid strong turnout

June 5, 2012- The Guardian: Wisconsin recall vote: high turnout raises hopes on both sides of divide

June 5, 2012- CBS News: Early Wisconsin recall exit polls: 60 percent say recalls are only for official misconduct

June 5, 2012- Truthout: The World Watches Wisconsin: Tom Morello Gathers Messages of Solidarity

June 5, 2012- CBS News: In Wisconsin, reports of voter suppression efforts

June 5, 2012- Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel: Milwaukee calls in extra poll workers amid heavy turnout

June 5, 2012- Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel: Tuesday morning: Strong voter turnout in Milwaukee's central city.

June 4, 2012- Washington Post: Wisconsin gives progressives something to build on

June 4, 2012- Think Progress: Confidant Contradicts Walker, Claims Governor Is Not Cooperating With Corruption Investigation

June 4, 2012- Politico: Wisconsin recall: Democrats prepare for recall recount

June 3, 2012- Huffington Post: Chuck Norris Jumps Into Wisconsin Recall On Behalf Of Scott Walker

June 2, 2012- Crooks & Liars: Is Scott Walker Going to Be Indicted Soon?

May 18, 2012- Minnesota Post: ALEC’s next target: state AGs who go after companies

May 16, 2012- Truthout: Uncovering the Other ALECs

May 7, 2012- Think Progress: Four Big Oil Companies Are Members Of ALEC Task Forces

April 27, 2012- Huffington Post: FEC Disclosure Loophole Closes On Secret Donors As Court Won't Stay Ruling 

April 26, 2012- Talking Points Memo: AFP Launches $6.1 Million Multi-State, Anti-Obama Ad Campaign

April 21, 2012- New York Times: Conservative Nonprofit Acts as a Stealth Business Lobbyist

April 20, 2021- Rolling Stone: The Koch Brothers – Exposed!

April 18, 2012- PR Watch: ALEC Sends Out an SOS to Breitbart Bloggers

April 17, 2012- Bloomberg: How to Pay No Taxes: 10 Strategies Used by the Rich

April 17, 2012- Salon: Does anyone realize what the GOP just did?

April 17, 2012- RAW Story: Georgia lawmaker quits ALEC, calls it ‘radical’ group with ‘dangerous agenda’

April 17, 2012- Think Progress: PROGRESSIVE VICTORY: ALEC Ends Its Guns And Voter Suppression Task Force

April 13, 2012- Think Progress: The Contango Game: How Koch Industries Manipulates The Oil Market For Profit

April 12, 2012- Huffington Post: FreedomWorks, Koch Brothers Clash Over Cato Institute Takeover Bid

April 11, 2012- Mother Jones: Wendy's: We're Done With ALEC, Too

April 1, 2012- NJ.Com: Some of Christie's biggest bills match model legislation from D.C. group called ALEC

March 30, 2012- Huffington Post: Koch Brothers, Chamber of Commerce Face Possible Campaign Donation Disclosure After Ruling 

March 25, 2012- New York Times: Lobbyists, Guns and Money

March 22, 2012- Huffington Post: Koch Brothers' Attempted Takeover Of Cato Could Be Part Of Bold Plan

March 5, 2012- Slate: Cato Goes to War

March 2, 2012- Kansas City Star: Koch brothers file Kansas lawsuit over think tank ownership

March 1, 2012- Huffington Post: Koch Brothers File Lawsuit Over The Ownership Of the Cato Institute

February 25, 2012- Huffington Post: Koch Brothers Fire Back At Obama For Campaign Attack

February 23, 2012- Talking Points Memo: Wisconsin Dems File Complaint With State Against David Koch

February 22, 2012- Think Progress: Blame Oil Speculators, Not Obama, For Rising Oil Prices

February 22, 2012- Kansas City Star: Texas becomes battlefield in Keystone XL pipeline fight

February 20, 2012- RAW Story: Wisconsin Democrats tell David Koch: Get out and take Gov. Walker too

February 20, 2012- Palm Beach Post: David Koch intends to cure cancer in his lifetime and remake American politics

February 19, 2012- Politico: David Koch: 'No stopping union power' if labor wins Walker recall

February 18, 2012- Wichita Eagle: Climate peaceful at 'Occupy Koch Town' protest

February 15, 2012- The Cap Times: Plain Talk: Walker’s past comes back to haunt him

February 15, 2012- Isthmus: Gov. Scott Walker's corruption scandal brings shame to Wisconsin

February 15, 2012- Live Science: Leaked: Conservative Group Plans Anti-Climate Education Program

February 14, 2012- Think Progress: INTERNAL DOCUMENTS: The Secret, Corporate-Funded Plan To Teach Children That Climate Change Is A Hoax

February 13, 2012- Nation of Change: Koch Brothers, ALEC, Governor Walker Renew Reagan Delusion

February 13, 2012- Politiscoop: Bill would force ALEC to disclose corporate contributors

February 13, 2012- The Brad Blog: Prosecutors May be Closing in on Walker as WI Gov Implicated In Criminal Complaint Against Aides

February 12, 2012- Badger Herald: Dane County judge rules against NAACP effort to halt voter ID

February 12, 2012- Politifact: Gov. Scott Walker says $247,000-per-job CAPCO program was approved by former Gov. Jim Doyle

February 12, 2012- NY Times: The Big Money Behind State Laws

February 10, 2012- Talking Points Memo: Gov. Scott Walker To Use Foreclosure Settlement Money To Balance His Budget, Not Help Homeowners

February 10, 2012- Minnesota 2020 Journal: The Fewer Rights Act

February 9, 2012- AlterNet: David Koch's Non-Profit Flouts Law And Spends $700,000 Against Wisconsin Recall

February 9, 2012- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Two legislative aides working out of law firm office instead of Capitol

February 9, 2012- Talking Points Memo: Utah Newest Front In GOP Battle Against Unions

February 8, 2012- Think Progress: New Hampshire Republicans Propose Bill To Eliminate Workers’ Lunch Breaks

February 8, 2012- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Vos says redistricting talking points were prepared for him

February 8, 2012- Talking Points Memo: Koch-Backed Americans For Prosperity Puts $700,000 Into Wisconsin

February 7, 2012- Mother Jones: Scott Walker and the Secret "John Doe" Investigation Explained

February 3, 2012- Huffington Post: Koch Brothers, Allies Pledge $100 Million At Private Meeting To Beat Obama

February 2, 2012- Chicago Tribune: Koch brothers driving anti-Obama hate machine

January 31, 2012- Inside Milwaukee: John Doe Threatens Walker

January 31, 2012- Common Cause: ALEC Exposed, for 24 hours

January 30, 2012- Truthout: Who REALLY Pays Taxes

January 26, 2012- Cap Times: Crime and Courts: Criminal complaint reveals Walker email

January 26, 2012- Think Progress: BREAKING: TransCanada’s Dirty Keystone XL Jobs Claims Draw Complaint To SEC

Januray 25, 2012- Huffington Post: House Democrats Seek To Subpoena Koch Industries Over Keystone XL

January 24, 2012- PR Watch: Scott Walker’s Plutonomy: An Economy for the One Percent

January 13, 2012- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Group says it has enough signatures to recall Fitzgerald

January 12, 2012- Nation of Change: Six Things You Didin't Know About Scott Walker

January 12, 2012- Huffington Post: Jim Bande-annonce DeMint: 'We Really Need Someone Like A Gov. Scott Walker' In The White House

January 11, 2012- Wauwatosa Patch: Host of GOP Heavyweights Slated for Pro-Walker Rally in Wauwatosa

January 11, 2012- Think Progress: Gov. Walker Accused Of Over 1,000 Violations Of Campaign Finance Law, Could Face $557,500 Fine

January 11, 2012- AlterNet: Have the Super Wealthy Already Seceded from the United States?

January 5, 2012- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Three charged in John Doe investigation of Walker aides

December 27, 2012- Campaign for America's Future: Republicans Try to Convert America into Pottersville

December 27, 2011- Addicting Info: The Top 15 Most Dangerous Conservative Politicians And Government Officials To Watch In 2012

December 27, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Walker On The ‘Koch’ Call: ‘It Was Stupid’

December 26, 2011- Political Heat: Why Walker's association with Grover Norquist matters

December 26, 2011- Think Progress: Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder Forces Unemployed Workers Off Unemployment Insurance While Giving Corporations A Tax Cut

December 21, 2012- Express Milwaukee: Walker's Policies Are Killing Wisconsin's Economy

December 20, 2011- Think Progress: Justice Who Upheld Gov. Walker’s Anti-Union Law Received Over $10k Worth Of Free Services From Walker’s Law Firm

December 15, 2012- Politifact: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker says the state's jobs data is unreliable

December 15, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: State lost 11,700 private-sector jobs in November, agency says

December 12, 2011- Huffington Post: Harry Reid On Payroll Tax Cut Fight: 'Millionaire Job Creators Are Like Unicorns'

December 11, 2011- Cap Times: Walker and Kochs vs. voting

December 7, 2011- Think Progress: Koch Political Group Brags About Bullying GOP Lawmakers Into Denying Climate Science

December 2, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Republicans withdraw redistricting lawsuit with state Supreme Court

December 2, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Nonstop campaigning has begun in Walker recall

December 2, 2011- NPR: Wisconsin Gov. Wants Protesters To Pay For Security

December 2, 2011- Cap Times: Biz Beat: Wisconsin & Southern buyer calls Koch its largest customer

December 1, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Walker administration would charge Capitol protesters for police, cleanup

December 1, 2011- Chicago Tribune: Capitol protesters on the hook for security costs

November 30, 2011- Huffington Post: Scott Walker Recall Effort: Brett Hulsey Releases Ad Featuring Prank Call From David Koch Impersonator

November 23, 2011- Think Progress: Wall Street’s Recession Cost 1.5 Million Times More Than The Cost Of Securing Occupy Protests

November 23, 2011- The Brad Blog: Video Exposes Koch Brothers’ Role In Spate of GOP Voter Suppression Laws

November 21, 2011- Channel 3000: Walker Opponents Plagued By Threats, Thefts

November 18, 2011- Channel 3000: Police: Man Who Ripped Up Recall Petition Could Face Felony Charge

November 18, 2011- Think Progress: Billionaires Use Tax Loophole To Lower Their Tax Rates To 1 Percent

November 17, 2011- Institute for Policy Studies: The Global Super-Rich Stash: Now $25 Trillion 

November 14, 2011- RAW Story: Oil industry attempts to co-opt ’99 Percent’ movement

November 11, 2011- DesmogBlog: Koch Brothers Behind Push To Dismantle EPA

November 11, 2011- Montreal Gazette: Obama puts Keystone pipeline in limbo

November 10, 2011- New York Times: U.S. Delays Decision on Pipeline Until After Election

November 10, 2011- RAW Story: Reports: Obama admin. delays tar sands decision until after election

November 9, 2011- Wall St Journal: Ohio Voters Reject Public-Union Limits

November 8, 2011- USA Today: U.S. wealth gap between young and old is widest ever 

November 7, 2011- Think Progress: Federal Workers Are Underpaid Compared To Their Private Sector Counterparts, Despite GOP’s Assertions

November 7, 2011- The Guardian: Koch brothers: secretive billionaires to launch vast database with 2012 in mind

November 5, 2011- Think Progress: Tennessee Lieutenant Governor Calls Unemployment Benefits A ‘Lifestyle’

November 5, 2011- Crooks & Liars: Mitt Romney Promises to Raise Retirement Age, Privatize Medicare and Slash Government Jobs at Koch Brothers Event

November 5, 2011- Crooks & Liars: Exclusive Video: #OccupyDC Protesters Hit by Driver…Who Police Let Go 

November 5, 2011- Huffington Post: Occupy DC: Car Drives Through Crowd Near Protest And Strikes 3 People, Say Authorities

November 4, 2011- AlterNet: Occupy DC Disrupts Koch Group Gathering; Activists Struck by Car

November 4, 2011- Think Progress: Fact Check: Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline Isn’t A Job Creator

November 4, 2011- Huffington Post: Herman Cain, Koch Brothers' 'Brother From Another Mother,' Defends Ties To Conservative Group

November 4, 2011- MSNBC: Koch-backed group confirms financial ties to Cain campaign manager

November 3, 2011- Think Progress: About Romney Campaign Memo: The Koch Brothers Are The ‘Financial Engine Of The Tea Party’

November 3, 2011- Think Progress: The Koch Brothers’ Connection To Herman Cain’s Campaign Finance Scandal

November 2, 2011- Mother Jones: Who's Paying for the GOP's Plan to Hijack the 2012 Election?

October 30, 2011- The Brad Blog: 'People & Power - The Koch Brothers': Al Jazeera's Investigative Documentary

October 30, 2011- AP: Skeptic finds he now agrees global warming is real

October 27, 2011- Addicting Info: Scott Walker Recall To Open Floodgates Of Koch Money

October 26, 2011- The Progressive: The Walker Regime Pushes for Controversial Mining Law

October 24, 2011- Mother Jones: Ohio: Ground Zero for Conservatives' Soul Crushing Agenda

October 21, 2011- Bloomberg: N.J. Republicans Paid for Second Round of Christie Trips After Koch Flight

October 18, 2011- Think Progress: Herman Cain: ‘I’m Very Proud Of 266 The Relationship That I Have With The Koch Brothers’

October 17, 2011- Think Progress: As Scandal Engulfs American Legislative Exchange Council’s U.K. Affiliate, A Closer Look At Its US Operation

October 16, 2011- AP: Long ties to Koch brothers key to Cain's campaign

October 16, 2011- Scott Walker Watch: Campaign finance legislation to end unlimited cash contribution limits for Walker’s recall ignored by Republicans

October 11, 2011- New York Observer: Uptown Grr! Protesters Start Occupying The Upper East Side

October 10, 2011- Politico: Karl Rove vs. the Koch brothers 

October 10, 2011- Crain's New York: 'Millionaire' home visits add to Wall Street protests 

October 9, 2011- Chicago Sun-Times: Tea and empathy

October 7, 2011- Think Progress: Congressman From Koch Uninterested In Investigating Koch Industries’ Business Deals With Iran

October 7, 2011- Crooks & Liars: David Koch Flees from ABC News Over Iran Scandal Questions

October 5, 2011- Inside Climate News: Koch Subsidiary Told Regulators It Has 'Direct and Substantial Interest' in Keystone XL

October 4, 2011- Huffington Post: Occupy DC: Protest Of Koch Industries' Downtown Office Planned

October 3, 2011- AlterNet: Hidden Koch Brother Abuse Exposed in the Keystone XL Oil Pipeline

October 3, 2011- Think Progress: Five Facts You Should Know About the Wealthiest One Percent of Americans

October 3, 2011- AlterNet: There Are Many More Koch Brother Secret Sins

October 3, 2011- Politicus USA: Profits from the Koch Brothers’ Iranian Treason Pay Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck

October 3, 2011- NYT Blogs: Trading With The Enemy

October 3, 2011- Bloomberg: Koch Brothers Flout Law With Secret Iran Sales

October 1, 2011- Politcus USA: Meet The 4 Democratic Senators Who Are Refusing To Raise Taxes On The Rich

September 29, 2011- Salon: Koch brothers spooked by forthcoming story

September 27, 2011- The Nation: Charles Koch to Friedrich Hayek: Use Social Security!

September 25, 2011- The Brad Blog: The Koch Brothers: Very Rich Job Killers

September 23, 2011- Think Progress: Gov. Rick Scott Brags About Laying Off 15,000 Government Workers After Decrying Florida’s High Unemployment

September 22, 2011- Think Progress: Denier Cash Machine Swells: Pollutocrat Koch Brothers Now Worth $50 Billion, Poised to Become Richest Men in America

September 21, 2011- Think Progress: Forbes: Koch Brothers Now Worth $50 Billion

September 21, 2011- Politicus USA: Getting Rich Off The Poor: How The Koch Brothers Wealth Grew 43% Since 2010

September 20, 2011- Huffington Post: Koch-Funded Congressional Civil Justice Caucus Academy Gives Congress Big Freebies

September 14, 2011- LA Progressive: How to Create More Jobs By Lowering Wages: Texas and America

September 13, 2011- Truthout: The Cult of Death

September 12, 2011- Campaign for America's Future: 10 Years Of Capital Gains Tax Cuts Proves: Rich Win, You Lose

September 9, 2011- AlterNet: How 'Small Government' Conservatives Raise Your Taxes Through Stealthy Back-Door Fees

September 9, 2011- RAW Story: Whistleblower fired after revealing Wisconsin ‘voter suppression’

September 8, 2011- Truthout: Postal Workers: The Last Union

September 8, 2011- The Brad Blog: Part 2 of Our Koch Exclusive Ignites Political Firestorms in Chris Christie's New Jersey

September 8, 2011- The Guardian: The Kochs' Keystone clique exposed

September 7, 2011- Mother Jones: Audio: Chris Christie Lets Loose at Secret Koch Brothers Confab

September 6, 2011- MSNBC: Mich. governor signs 48-month welfare limit

September 6, 2011- The Brad Blog: TRANSCRIPT: 'Inside the Koch Brothers' 2011 Summer Seminar' - Charles Koch's Remarks 

September 6, 2011- RAW Story: Charles Koch compares Barack Obama to Saddam Hussein

September 6, 2011- Think Progress: At Strategy Seminar, Koch Refers To Obama As ‘Saddam Hussein’ To Be Defeated In ‘Mother Of All Wars’

September 6, 2011- Mother Jones: Exclusive: The Koch Brothers' Million-Dollar Donor Club

September 6, 2011- Mother Jones: Exclusive Audio: Inside the Koch Brothers' Secret Seminar

September 5, 2011- AlterNet: Confessions of a GOP Operative Who Left "the Cult": 3 Things Everyone Must Know About the Lunatic-Filled Republican Party

September 4, 2011- America Blog: Koch Bros will be big winners if Keystone sludge-oil pipeline is approved

August 30, 2011- Rolling Stone: The GOP War on Voting

August 30, 2011- Huffington Post: William Koch, Billionaire Brother Of Charles And David Koch, Buys Old West Town Of Buckskin Joe

August 23, 2011- AlterNet: The Kochs are scared, and they’ve bought the web domains to prove it

August 22, 2011- RAW Story: Wisconsin’s photo ID law for voters facing lawsuit

August 20, 2011- Think Progress: Koch Responds To Buffett: ‘My Business And Non-Profit Investments Are Much More Beneficial To Society’

August 19, 2011- AlterNet: Major Backlash at Right-Wing Ohio Governor Has Him Scrambling for "Compromise" With Progressives

August 16, 2011- AP: 2 Wisconsin Democrats keep their Senate seats

August 16, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Wirch retains Wisconsin Senate seat in recall vote

August 15, 2011- Huffington Post: The Koch Brothers And The Battle Over Integration In Wake County's Schools

August 15, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Special prosecutor named in Prosser/Bradley altercation

August 10, 2011- AP: Rick Scott pays less than $400 annually for state health insurance

August 10, 2011- The Nation: Wisconsin Recall Replaces Two Republican Senators

August 10, 2011- The Brad Blog: Brad on KPFK: Wisconsin and the Growing Assault on Democracy with Guest Ben Manski

August 10, 2011- MSNBC: Democrats fall short in Wisconsin recall elections

August 9, 2011- The Brad Blog: Exit Pollsters Shut Down Again in Waukesha

August 8, 2011- AlterNet: 6 Shady Right-Wing Groups Pouring Money Into Wisconsin Recall

August 8, 2011- The Brad Blog: 'National Director' of Koch's 'Americans for Prosperity' Created Mysterious WI 'Gun Group,' Coordinated on Misleading Absentee Ballot Mailings

August 4, 2011- Bloomberg: Wellpoint Joins Koch Help Fight Wisconsin State Senate Recalls

August 3, 2011- Politicus USA: Ahead of WI Recall Elections Prosser Investigation Gets Special Prosecutor

August 3, 2011- Daily Kos: Wisconsin Recall: New data on Koch brothers’ million dollar Scott Walker sponsorship

August 1, 2011- Hudson Patch: North Hudson Man Files Voter Suppression Complaint Against Americans For Prosperity

August 1, 2011- Politico: AFP Wisconsin ballots have late return date

July 23, 2011- Alternet: Koch-Funded Tea Party Heavyweight Tim Phillips Spoke at Norweigan Killer's Political Party Event

July 23, 2011- ProgressiveToo: WI Governor Scott Walker to cut DMV centers in Democratic districts

July 19, 2011- Green Bay Press Gazette: Wisconsin Democrat Dave Hansen defeats David VanderLeest in Senate recall election

July 13, 2011- The Brad Blog: Wisconsin 'Government Accountability Board' Shuts Down Recall Election Exit Polling

July 13, 2011- Roll Call: Low Registration Sinks Tea Party Convention

July 13, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Lawyer named to investigate Nickolaus complaint

July 13, 2011- Common Dreams: Center for Media & Democracy Unveils Trove of Over 800 ALEC "Model Bills" Secretly Voted on by Corporations

July 12, 2011- The Nation: ALEC Exposed

July 12, 2011- Veracity Stew: Koch Brothers’ Americans for Prosperity Sues New York

July 12, 2011- AP: Fake Democrats lose in Wis. primary recalls

July 12, 2011- Stateline: Recall elections in Wisconsin test support for Republican program

July 11, 2011- Palm Beach Post: Medicare fraud investigators were directed to Rick Scott’s Solantic during his campaign, records show

July 11, 2011- In These Times: Publicopoly Exposed

July 10, 2011- St.Petersburg Times: A tale of two governors: Florida's Rick Scott and Texas' Rick Perry

July 10, 2011- Palm Beach Post: Ex-Solantic doctor tells of intense pressure on staff to reap revenue

July 8, 2011- Buzzflash: Koch Brothers Promise False "Hope of the Future" to Those They Cheat "of the Enjoyment of the Present"

July 6, 2011- Winning Progressive: Smart ALEC University – Are Your State Legislators Being Indoctrinated?

July 6, 2011- OpEd News: World War Three Is Under Way and YOU Are the Enemy

July 6, 2011- AFL-CIO Blog: First, Michigan Guts Democracy. Now Aims for Workers’ Paychecks

July 5, 2011- Roll Call: Koch Industries Subsidiary Cited for Illegal Donations

July 3, 2011- Campaign for America's Future: The New War of Independence - Against Corporate Politics

July 2, 2011- Truthout: The Super Rich Sabotage the Arab Revolutions

July 2, 2011- Reader Supported News: Calls for Prosser Resignation More Than 10,000 Strong

July 2, 2011- Principled Progressive: Foreign-Based Koch Subsidiary Caught Making Illegal Campaign Contributions

July 2, 2011- iWatch News: Koch fined for making 12 illegal campaign contributions that it self-reported

July 1, 2011- Huffington Post: Koch Industries Subsidiary Admits Illegal Campaign Contributions

June 30, 2011- Huffington Post: Lawsuit, Teacher Layoffs Follow Wisconsin Budget Signing

June 30, 2011- NYT: Minnesota Government Shuts in Budget Fight

June 30, 2011- NYT: Public Workers Strike in Britain Over Pensions 

June 29, 2011- The Nation: Democracy is Coming to Ohio: 1.3 Million Voters Force Referendum to Restore Labor Rights

June 29, 2011- Think Progress: Govs. Rick Perry And Rick Scott Go AWOL During State Emergencies To Attend Secret Koch Event

June 28, 2011- Inside Higher Ed: Not Just Florida State

June 28, 2011- Milwaukee journal Sentinel: Justice Prosser was asked to get help for anger, sources say

June 28, 2011- Palm Beach Post: Rick Scott attends secret Koch brothers meeting in Colorado

June 27, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Wis. Senate Leader: 'Wow! The Supreme Court Is Crazier Than The Legislature'

June 27, 2011- Salon: The rich aren't like you and me 

June 27, 2011- The Statesman: Perry spoke Sunday at Koch brothers’ gathering near Vail

June 27, 2011- NYT: Sinking G.O.P. Poll Numbers May Put Florida in Play

June 27, 2011- Think Progress: Wisconsin GOP Defunds Planned Parenthood, Denying Preventative Health Care To At Least 12,000 Women

June 27, 2011- The Energy Collective: Koch Brothers Fund Assault on Climate Legislation, Seek To Destroy RGGI

June 27, 2011- AP: Candidate not allowed on recall ballot

June 27, 2011- Denver Post: Koch brothers hold secret GOP business retreat in Vail

June 27, 2011- CNN Money: The privatization of California's B-schools

June 27, 2011- Mother Jones: The Spam Factory's Dirty Secret

June 26, 2011- AFLCIO Blog: 8 Signs Your Governor Has a Koch Problem

June 26, 2011- Alternet: Shock Doctrine: 'Emergency Finance Managers' and the Right-Wing's Power Grab

June 26, 2011- USA Today: Billy the Kid image sells for more than $2M

June 24, 2011- Think Progress: GOP Blew Up Debt Negotiations To Protect Tax Breaks For People Making $500,000 Or More

June 23, 2011- PERRspectives: 10 Things the GOP Doesn't Want You to Know About the Debt

June 23, 2011- RAW Story: Sen. Sanders: Koch bros. ‘want to destroy Social Security’

June 22, 2011- AFLCIO Blog: Privatization Would Bankrupt Amtrak

June 22, 2011- Op Ed News: Inside the Koch Brothers' Expensive Echo Chamber

June 21, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Poll: Gov. Christie’s Approval Rating Slumps To Record Low

June 21, 2011- Yahoo: Proles Were Brainwashed into Believing Tax Cut for Rich Would Help Them

June 21, 2011- Buffalo Grove Patch: Teen Intern Takes Aim at Koch Brothers

June 21, 2011- Think Progress: Gov. Scott Rejects Millions In Health Aid For Seniors, Children, And Disabled To Grandstand Against Health Law

June 19, 2011- Wisconsin Gazette: David Koch's group begins campaign for Wisconsin GOP senators

June 16, 2011- Working In These Times: Organizing on Wobbly Ground: Learning from ‘Solidarity Unionism at Starbucks’

June 15, 2011- Salon: Why do liberals hate freedom so much?

June 15, 2011- Alternet: Seven Ways Scott Walker and the GOP Are Still Trying to Screw Wisconsin's Poor, Working Class, and Just About Everybody Else

June 14, 2011- DeSmogBlog: Koch Money Fuels AFP Misinformation Campaign On Gas Prices

June 14, 2011- Truthout: Unions Save Lives

June 14, 2011- Truthout: Ralph Nader: Koch Brothers Led Fight to Defend Formaldehyde Despite Carcinogenic Evidence

June 13, 2011- Huffington Post: Koch Brothers, Grover Norquist Split On Ethanol Subsidies

June 13, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Expense of fake Democrats in primaries will top $400,000

June 13, 2011- Courthouse News Service: GOP Recall Targets Try to Stop Elections

June 13, 2011- Huliq: Wisconsin recall elections: 3 Dems 9 GOP senators on the block

June 13, 2011- Washington Post: Top Wisconsin GOP recall target: Paul Ryan is a `hero’

June 11, 2011- The Nation: Wisconsin GOP Batters Democracy With Sleazy 'Fake Candidate' Strategy

June 11, 2011- Think Progress: After David Koch Leaves NIH Board, NIH Hands Down Long-Delayed Classification Of Top Koch Pollutant As A Carcinogen

June 11, 2011- Crooks & Liars: Koch to Palin/Murkowski: Lower our royalties or jobs go away

June 11, 2011- Alternet: Koch Family Celebrated for Founding Hate Group

June 10, 2011- Think Progress: John Birch Society Celebrates Koch Family For Their Role In Founding The Hate Group

June 8, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Recall elections set for 3 Democratic senators

June 8, 2011- Think Progress: Chris Christie Continues Koch Binge, Slashes Renewable Targets

June 7, 2011- FireDogLake: The Dirty Koch Brothers Launch Their Latest Spin Campaign

June 7, 2011- Detroit Free Press: Conservative group: Fake eviction notices were 'meant to startle people'

June 6, 2011- AlterNet: DeVos, Koch, Scaife, Walton, ALEC, AFC: The Corporate Royalists and Right-Wing Groups Propelling the GOP's Assault on the Middle Class

June 6, 2012- Think Progress: How Koch Became An Oil Speculation Powerhouse 

June 6, 2011- Think Progress: REPORT: How The Kochs Built An Oil Speculation Empire

June 5, 2011- Clean Energy Footprints: Koch Brothers Invest in Climate Change Denial

June 2, 2011- AlterNet: Wall Street Journal Honcho Shills for Secret Worker 'Education' Program Linked to Koch Group

May 30, 2011- Reinbach's Observer: The John Birch Society’s Reality

May 30, 2011- The Brad Blog: EXCLUSIVE: WI State Election Board Failed to Review Minutes from Waukesha County 'Recount' Before Certifying Supreme Court Election Results

May 26, 2011- The Nation: Justice in Fitzwalkerstan: A Wisconsin Judge Rules Anti-Labor Law Null and Void

May 26, 2011- Washington Post: Another big boost for Wisconsin Dems and the recall effort

May 26, 2011- Huffington Post: Wisconsin Anti-Union Law Struck Down By Judge, But Measure Could Still Go Into Effect

May 25, 2011- Truthout: Privatization: The Road to Hell

May 24, 2011- Truthout: Talkin' 'Bout a Revolution

May 23, 2011- Daily Kos: Recall petition against Michigan Governor Rick Snyder is live

May 23, 2011- Midland Daily News: Group seeks to recall Rep. Johnson

May 23, 2011- South Bend Tribune: Pscholka recall wording OK'd

May 23, 2011- AP: Recall effort against Michigan lawmaker advances

May 23, 2011- Mother Jones: Waxman Targets the Koch Brothers

May 22, 2011- OpEd News: How the Koch Brothers Mess With the Texas Environment

May 20, 2011- ABC News: Governor Rick Scott ignores pleas and signs sweeping voter law, slashing early voting

May 20, 2011- Wisconsin State Journal: GOP legislative aide under investigation for voter fraud

May 20, 2011- Politicus USA: Twisted Irony: Wisconsin GOP Aide Under Investigation for Voter Fraud

May 20, 2011- Progressive States Network: Spotlight Shines on ALEC's Anti-Middle Class Agenda - and its Cost to States

May 20, 2011- The Brad Blog: Tale of the Tapes: Wisconsin's 'Dog-and-Pony Show' Faith-Based Supreme Court Election 'Recount'

May 15, 2011- The Guardian: Koch brothers under attack by leftwing film-maker

May 14, 2011- Orlando Sentinel: Kochs shouldn't put strings on $1.5M for FSU

May 12, 2011- The Other 98%: Guerilla Action NAILS NYC’s David Koch Theater During Red Carpet Event

May 11, 2011- Think Progress: REPORT: Koch Fueling Far Right Academic Centers At Universities Across The Country

May 11, 2011- Color Lines: FSU Trades Academic Freedom for Billionaire Charles Koch’s Money

May 10, 2011- St Petersburg Times: Billionaire's role in hiring decisions at Florida State University raises questions

May 10, 2011- Alternet: TX GOP Rams Koch-Backed "Loser Pays" Bill Through House, Making it Harder to Sue Corporations

May 10, 2011- St.Petersburg Times: Billionaire's role in hiring decisions at Florida State University raises questions

May 5, 2011- New York Magazine: David Koch Gives President Obama Zero Credit for Bin Laden’s Death

May 5, 2011- The Brad Blog: Wisconsin Dems Charge GOP With Massive Fraud on State Senate Recall Petitions

May 5, 2011- The Brad Blog: Exclusive: City of Brookfield Ballot Bags Found 'Wide Open' in Waukesha County, WI

May 5, 2011- New York Magazine: David Koch Gives President Obama Zero Credit for Bin Laden’s Death

May 3, 2011- RAW Story: Koch brothers pick a fight with The New Yorker

April 28, 2011- Alternet: Wisc: Republican Judge Hires Koch-Allied Attorney For Recount; Tea Party Express Recruits Recount Volunteers

April 26, 2011- NYT: Op-Ed: The Republican Threat to Voting

April 26, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Bill affects more than voter ID 

April 25, 2011- Buzzflash: Koch Brothers Invade Facebook to Recruit Right-Wing Think Tank Automatons to Be Placed Around US

April 23, 2011- AlterNet: Madness: Right-Wingers Are Serious About Trying to Undermine Child Labor Laws

April 22, 2011- Forbes: More Questions Of Koch Brothers’ Fingers In Scott Walker’s Wisconsin Pie As ‘Jason’ Identity Revealed?

April 22, 2011- The Brad Blog: New Details on Wisconsin Supreme Court 'Recount,' Waukesha County Clerk Investigation

April 21, 2011- WTMJ: Capitol Chaos: Darling Recall Signatures To Be Submitted

April 21, 2011- Truthout: Seventy Years After General Strike, Bay Area Workers Still Fighting for Justice

April 21, 2011- Michigan Messenger: Detroit pension systems challenge Emergency Manager law

April 21, 2011- The Badger Herald: GAB denies Kloppenburg’s independent investigator request for recount

April 20, 2011- Forbes: What Is Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Not Telling Us About Financial Stress Test Legislation?

April 20, 2011- The Nation: Big Brothers: Thought Control at Koch

April 20, 2011- The Nation: Thousands Protest Snyder's Authoritarian Power Grab

April 20, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Kloppenburg requests recount in Supreme Court race

April 20, 2011- The Brad Blog: BREAKING: Kloppenburg Files for Statewide 'Recount' in WI Supreme Court Election

April 19, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Recall petitions filed against Harsdorf, Olsen

April 18, 2011- RAW Story: Koch Industries buying ads to refute news stories

April 18, 2011- CommonDreams.Org: US Uncut: The New Movement against Austerity and Corporate Tax Cheats

April 17, 2011- AP: Super rich see federal taxes drop dramatically

April 17, 2011- NYT: Op-Ed: The New Republican Landscape

April 16, 2011- The Progressive: Protesting Sarah Palin and the Tea Party in Madison

April 16, 2011- Buzzflash: Tea Party Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Adopts Soviet-style Authoritarian Powers Over Michigan Cities

April 16, 2011- Forbes: Gov. Scott Walker Reportedly Planning Financial Martial Law In Wisconsin

April 16, 2011- Think Progress: After Pledging To Not Raise Taxes, Walker Proposes Hiking Taxes And Fees On The Poor And Students

April 16, 2011- Think Progress: Progressive Lawmakers Warn A "Significant Portion" Of Gas Prices Is Due To Speculation, Call For Crack Down     

April 15, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Detroit Sends Layoff Notices To Every Public School Teacher

April 15, 2011- St Petersburg Times: UCF economist: Gov. Scott's plan to cut taxes isn't the answer

April 15, 2011- Channell 3000: Palin Coming To Madison Tea Party Rally

April 15, 2011- Wisconsin State Journal: State investigating vote irregularities in Waukesha County going back 5 years

April 15, 2011- Wisconsin State Journal: Sarah Palin coming to Madison? You betcha

April 14, 2011- The Brad Blog: Waukesha, WI Follies: 97.63% Turnout in 2004? 20,000 More Votes Than 'Ballots Cast' in 2006?

April 14, 2011- The Brad Blog: JUST IN: 'State Investigating Vote Irregularities in Waukesha County Going Back 5 Years'

April 14, 2011- Think Progress: Scott Walker Admits Union-Busting Provision "Doesn't Save Any" Money For The State Of Wisconsin

April 14, 2011- The Cap Times: Biz Beat: Koch Industries gains from pollution law delays

April 14, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Palin Headed To Madison, Wisconsin This Weekend

April 14, 2011- Detroit Free Press: Thousands protest in Lansing against governor's policies

April 14, 2011- CNN Money: Wisconsin governor takes union fight to Congress

April 14, 2011- CMD PR Watch: Koch-Fueled Controversy Lands in Washington

April 14, 2011- The Hill: Fireworks expected as Gov. Walker heads to Hill to talk unions

April 14, 2011- Madison.Com: Judge to decide fate of lawsuit challenging collective bargaining law by week's end

April 14, 2011- Wisconsin State Journal: State investigating vote irregularities in Waukesha County going back 5 years

April 14, 2011- CNN: Independent groups expected to rake in hundreds of millions

April 13, 2011- Willamette Week: 9 Things The Rich Don't Want You To Know About Taxes

April 13, 2011- Think Progress: Walker And Prosser Crushed Regulations On Koch Industries' Phosphorus Pollution In Wisconsin

April 13, 2011- Think Progress: The Contango Game: How Koch Industries Manipulates The Oil Market For Profit

April 12, 2011- AFL-CIO Blog: Ohio’s Kasich Wants to Outsource Any Job Anytime—And Winner Pays No Taxes

April 12, 2011- NYT: Wisconsin: Railroad Chief Made Illegal Donations

April 12, 2011- Campaign for America's Future: Did Koch Industries Write The Budget Deal?

April 12, 2011- The Nation: Scandal in Fitzwalkerstan: Top Donor Pleads Guilty in Money-Laundering Scheme to Aid Governor Walker

April 12, 2011- Salon: Wisconsin vote debacle gets messier

April 12, 2011- WisPolitics: Walker marks 100 days in office

April 12, 2011- Talking Points Memo: WI GOP Senator: Supreme Court Race 'Took The Wind Out' Of Union Sails

April 12, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Walker: State Layoffs Could Happen If Anti-Union Bill Remains Delayed By Courts

April 11, 2011- WKOW: Prosser: Idea of federal probe "preposterous"

April 11, 2011- Fav Stocks: Top Wisconsin recall target thinks police, firefighters should lose collective bargaining rights

April 11, 2011- Politicus USA: Wisconsin Titanic: Criminal Probe Heading Scott Walker’s Way

April 11, 2011- Wisconsin State Journal: Railroad executive charged with making illegal contributions to Walker campaign

April 11, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Democrat on Waukesha County vote panel speaks out

April 11, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Railroad CEO charged with campaign law  violations

April 11, 2011- CNN: 4 ways we're still fighting the Civil War  

April 10, 2011- LA Times: Ikea's U.S. factory churns out unhappy workers 

April 10, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Parties already sparring before local hearing starts

April 9, 2011- AFL-CIO Blog: Big Bucks Help Koch Brothers’ Influence Run Deep on Capitol Hill

April 9, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Skeptical voters raise collective brows after election surprises

April 9, 2011- Mother Jones: This Week in Collective Bargaining

April 9, 2011- RAW Story: Wisconsin court candidates hire Bush and Franken’s recount lawyers

April 9, 2011- Crooks & Liars: Wisconsin's Place in the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy

April 9, 2011- The Exiled: The Koch Brothers: Dark Lords of Derivatives  

April 8, 2011- Crooks & Liars: Scott Walker's Patronage Hire Resigns His Sweet Gig. What, Does He Think He's Sarah Palin?

April 8, 2011- Chicago Sun-Times: The One-Percenters

April 8,011- The Brad Blog: WI's Supreme Election Debacle (And What We Should, But Probably Won't, Learn From It)

April 8, 2011- Milwaukee Labor Press: Imagine what 7,500 surprise votes should tell us

April 8, 2011- Biz Times Daily: State Government Accountability Board to inspect Waukesha votes

April 8, 2011- Think Progress: Wisconsin Republican County Clerk Claims She Misplaced 7,500 Votes For Justice Prosser, Her Former Boss

April 8, 2011- Politicus USA: Wisconsin Republican County Clerk Sent Out Pre Marked Ballots

April 7, 2011- Alternet: The Koch Brothers' Tangled and Far-Reaching Web

April 7, 2011- Democracy Now: Joseph Stiglitz on "Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1%" (Vanity Fair) & Analysis of GOP Budget

April 7, 2011- Huffington Post: Wisconsin Election Surprise: David Prosser Gains 7,500 Votes After 'Human Error' In Waukesha County

April 7, 2011- Forbes: Questions Surround Votes Found in Waukesha County

April 7, 2011- The Brad Blog: BREAKING: Prosser Up by 7000+ in WI Supreme Court Race After 'Bookkeeping Error' Discovered by Controversial Clerk in Republican Waukesha County

April 7, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Prosser gains 7,500 votes in Waukesha County

April 7, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Winnebago County vote-count change alters Supreme Court race

April 7, 2011- Think Progress: Wisconsin Progressives Collect 9,000 More Signatures Than Needed To Oust Philandering Republican Senator

April 7, 2011- Think Progress: Prosser Hires Bush v. Gore Recount Lawyer Who Claims GOP Opposes Equal Protection

April 7, 2011- Salon: Countdown to the Tea Party's comeuppance

April 7, 2011- Wisconsin State Journal: Election chief says Supreme Court vote totals will change during verification

April 7, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Waukesha Clerk Announces Votes For Prosser: 'I'm Thankful That This Error Was Caught Early'

April 7, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Report: After Michigan FOIAs, Wayne State Takes Down Labor Studies Website

April 7, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Report: Republican County Finds Lots More Votes For Prosser

April 7, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Prosser Takes Lead In Wisconsin (For Now)

April 7, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Wis. Election Official: 'There Will Be Changes' In Vote Numbers

April 6, 2011- iWatch News: Koch fined for making 12 illegal campaign contributions that it self-reported

April 6, 2011- Reuters: US oil juggernaut Koch expands lobbying, CPI says

April 6, 2011- Think Progress: REPORT: Seven States Where Republicans Are Ruining The Environment

April 6, 2011- The Nation: Melissa Harris-Perry on the Demonization of Public Services

April 6, 2011- AlterNet: Koch Front Groups Americans For Prosperity And ALEC Have Taken Over New Hampshire

April 6, 2011- Huffington Post: Scott Walker's 'Waterloo': 19 Counties Flip To Democrats In Wisconsin Supreme Court Race

April 6, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Tuesday's Supreme Court turnout in Wisconsin was off the charts

April 6, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Poll: Florida GOP Gov. Scott's Net Approval Rating Plummets

April 6, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Paul Ryan's Absurdly Optimistic Budget Projections Draw Widespread Ridicule

April 6, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Turnout For Wisconsin Court Race Went Off The Charts

April 5, 2011- TruthDig: The Peasants Need Pitchforks

April 5, 2011- AlterNet: Drug Test Protestors Send Urine Sample to Florida Governor

April 5, 2011- AlterNet: You Thought the Koch Brothers Were Bad? Turns Out They're Even Worse Than You Thought

April 5, 2011- AP: Walker Demotes Lobbyist's Son

April 5, 2011- CMD PR Watch: Koch's Americans for Prosperity Aims at Kloppenburg, Strikes GOP Attorney General?

April 5, 2011- NYT: Union Rights Fight Looms in Wisconsin High Court Race

April 5, 2011- The Nation: Workers Fight Back Against More Than 700 Anti-Union Bills

April 5, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Report: Wis. GOPer's Car Damaged By Random Stone, Not Vandals

April 5, 2011- MSNBC: Fierce attacks leave public workers stinging

April 5, 2011- Think Progress: Rep. Gerry Connolly Proposes Officially Changing Title Of Anti-EPA Bill To "Koch Brothers Appreciation Act"

April 5, 2011- Newsmax.Com: Turnout Runs Unexpectedly High in Crucial Wis. Supreme Court Election

April 5, 2011- The Hill: House Dem: Change title of EPA bill to 'Koch Brothers Appreciation Act'

April 5, 2011- RAW Story: Obama threatens to veto anti-EPA bill derided as ‘Koch Brothers Appreciation Act’

April 4, 2011- AlterNet: We’re Not Broke: Congress -Here’s $400 Billion In New Annual Revenue

April 4, 2011- Buzzflash: Is the Shadowy World of ALEC and the Koch Brothers Leading the GOP's Charge to Suppress the Youth Vote?

April 4, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Maine GOP Senators To Tea Partying Governor: Tone It Down

April 4, 2011- Talking Points Memo: House GOP's 'Radical' Plan For Medicare, Medicaid

April 4, 2011- Center For American Progress: The Koch Brothers: What You Need to Know About the Financiers of the Radical Right

April 4, 2011- LA Times: Critics' review unexpectedly supports scientific consensus on global warming

April 4, 2011- Think Progress: REPORT: Everything You Need To Know About The Koch Brothers

April 4, 2011- Think Progress: Leader Of Koch Front Group Is Behind Ads Supporting Wisconsin Justice David Prosser

April 4, 2011- Weekly Standard: The Paranoid Style in Liberal Politics

April 3, 2011- Think Progress: Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal Proposes Massive Tax Cuts For The Rich, Big Tax Hikes for Middle Class

April 3, 2011- Miami Herald: Is Florida about to become Wisconsin with a suntan?

April 3, 2011- Miami Herald: ‘Just say no’ to state employee drug testing

April 3, 2011- Crooks & Liars: Fox Yappers on Cashin' In Love the Idea of Replacing Union Workers With Welfare Recipients

April 3, 3011- Buzzflash: Yes, They Are Outlawing Unions for Public University Professors and Teachers in Ohio

April 3, 2011- Buzzflash: If You Are Black or Young in America, the Economy is Not Getting Better

April 3, 2011- TampaBay.Com: Florida prison privatization proposals open door for politically connected GEO Group

April 3, 2011- NYT: Op-Ed: Bring Donors Out of the Shadows

April 2, 2011- CMD PR Watch: Group Called "Citizens for a Strong America" Operates out of a UPS Mail Drop but Runs Expensive Ads in Supreme Court Race?

April 2, 2011- Wisconsin State Journal: 'No cop in the state' would arrest Senate dems: Fitzgerald

April 2, 2011- RAW Story: ‘No cop in the state’ would arrest WI Senate dems

April 2, 2011- Miami Herald: Gov. Rick Scott's policies could benefit his family's $62M investment

April 2, 2011- Salon: Salaries for Florida's child care officials are out of control, lawmakers say

April 2, 2011- Politicus USA: The Original Tea Party was not Anti-Government but Anti-Corporation

April 2, 2011- Crooks & Liars: The Disconnect

April 2, 2011- Crooks & Liars: In Historic Shift, Police and Fire Unions Say They'll Support Pro-Union Candidates

April 2, 2011- Vanity Fair: Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1%

April 1, 2011- The Statesman: Bill would give governor control of prison health board

April 1, 2011- Tech Eye: US Republicans spend fortune trying to kill Duffy video

April 1, 2011- NYT: State Legislatures Pile Onto Anti-EPA Climate Rule Effort

April 1, 2011- RAW Story: Minnesota Republican: ‘I watched Minneapolis get destroyed’ by integration 

April 1, 2011- Chicago Tribune: Democrats say goal met on Kapanke recall

April 1, 2011- Current TV: BREAKING NEWS: First Republican Recalled in Wisconsin!

April 1, 2011- Salon: Paul LePage says bad timing in labor mural removal

April 1, 2011- Mother Jones: Rick Scott Slashes Support for the Disabled

April 1, 2011- AlterNet: Stock Bubble, Housing Bubble and now … We're Seeing a Growing Poverty Bubble 

April 1, 2011- Alternet: Ohio Governor Signs Into Law Union-Busting Bill That's Even Worse Than Wisconsin's, Targeting Police and Firefighters

April 1, 2011- Crooks & Liars: It's On Like Donkey Kong!: Wisconsin Has The Signatures For Recall Of Republican State Sen. Kapanke

April 1, 2011- Yahoo News: Future jobs won’t support decent living standard: Report

April 1, 2011- Huffington Post: Ohio Union Bill Signed Into Law By John Kasich

April 1, 2011- Think Progress: Ohio Voters Have 90 Days To Stop Gov. Kasich's Anti-Worker Bill

April 1, 2011- Truthout: The Truth About the Economy That Nobody in Washington or on Wall Street Will Admit 

April 1, 2011- Truthout: Return to Wisconsin: The Beginning or the End? 

April 1, 2011- Truthout: Koch Operative May Have Deceived Officials to Take $2.7 Million in Taxpayer Money for Governor’s Race

April 1, 2011- Talking Points Memo: House Defeats Effort to Remove Anti-Union Provisions of FAA Bill

April 1, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Wis. Justice Prosser Loses Endorsement Of Former Dem Gov, Gains Sarah Palin

April 1, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Maine Gov. LePage Admits 'Timing Was Bad' For Removing Labor Mural

April 1, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Wis. Dems To File First Recall Petitions Against GOP State Sen. Dan Kapanke

April 1, 2011- Wisconsin State Journal: Ex-Gov. Lucey resigns as Prosser's honorary campaign co-chair, endorses Kloppenburg

April 1, 2011- LaCrosse Tribune: Update: Kapanke recall petition filed

April 1, 2011- LaCrosse Tribune: Democrats: We have the signatures in Kapanke recall effort

April 1, 2011- AP: Judge to look at how Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's union law was passed

April 1, 2011- Politico: Cops, firefighters turn on GOP in labor fight

March 31, 2011- Think Progress: Report: Koch Industries outspends Exxon Mobil on climate and clean energy disinformation

March 31, 2011- Buzzflash: Smart ALEC: Dragging the Secretive Conservative Organization Out of the Shadows

March 31, 2011- Rabble.Ca: Tar party: The Koch brothers come to Canada to protect their tar sands interests

March 31, 2011- Tuscon Sentinel: The Koch brothers are getting nervous

March 31, 2011- Think Progress: Koch Operative May Have Deceived Officials To Take $2.7M In Taxpayer Money For Governor's Race

March 31, 2011- Orlando Sentinel: Gov. Rick Scott orders immediate cuts to programs for disabled

March 31, 2011- Mother Jones: Tea Party Rally Washout

March 31, 2011- ACLU Press Release: Judge orders ACLU literature seizure case to trial

March 31, 2011- Florida Independent Alligator: Scott for cronies, not average Floridian

March 31, 2011- Isthmus: Scott Walker's crony plan to replace Wisconsin civil servants with appointees could prove costly

March 31, 2011- The Brad Blog: Union-Busting House GOP Redefines 'Democracy'

March 31, 2011- Business Journal Daily: Breaking News: Turning Technologies, Its CEO Resign from Regional Chamber

March 31, 2011- Capitol Hill Blue: The Kochs and their weapons of mass distraction

March 31, 2011- The Smirking Chimp: Smart ALEC: Dragging the Secretive Conservative Organization Out of the Shadows

March 31, 2011- LA Times: Berkeley scientists' climate data review puts them at center of national debate

March 31, 2011- Huffington Post: Wisconsin Judge Declares Union Law Not In Effect

March 31, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Sumi rules that union law not in effect;

March 31, 2011- Taliking Points Memo: Greetings From The Asbury Park Press: Bruce Springsteen Slams New Jersey Budget Cuts

March 31, 2011- Talking Points Memo: So How Rich Is Sean Duffy? Not Very…For A Congressman

March 31, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Walker Administration Suspends Implementation Of Anti-Union Law, After Judge's Third Order Against It

March 31, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Walker Admin.'s Claim Of Multi-Million Dollar Capitol Damage Calculated On…Single Sheet Of Notebook Paper

March 31, 2011- Wisconsin State Journal: State will continue implementing collective bargaining law despite judge's order

March 31, 2011- Capital Tonight: David Koch Continues NY GOP Support

March 31, 2011- AlterNet: What Is ALEC? Dragging the Secretive Conservative Organization Out of the Shadows

March 31, 2011- AlterNet: Vote for 5 Worst Things the Koch Brothers Have Done. Brave New Films Unveils New Documentary Series

March 30, 2011- Mother Jones: This Week in Zany Florida Republicans

March 30, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Capitol damage cost claim based on 1 page of notebook paper

March 30, 2011- Huffington Post: Maine GOP Legislators Looking To Loosen Child Labor Laws

March 30, 2011- Miami Herald: For-profit government in Florida

March 30, 2011- Columbus Business First: S.B. 5 passes legislature despite heated opposition

March 30, 2011- Politicus USA: Clueless in Wisconsin: Newt Gingrich Praises Gov Walker as Job Creator

March 30, 2011- Politicus USA: Republicans Plan to Halt Economic Recovery Through Mass Layoffs

March 30, 2011- Politicus USA: As Gov Kasich’s Approval Tanks, Ohio House Passes Anti-Union Bill

March 30, 2011- Politcus USA: CREW Wants Wisconsin GOP Senator Punished For Misuse of Troopers

March 30, 2011- Talking Points Memo: White House Threatens To Veto Key Legislation Over Union Busting Provision

March 30, 2011- Talking Points Memo: GOPers Demand Sean Duffy Salary Tape Be Pulled From The Internet

March 30, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Walker Administration 'Confused' Over Whether Anti-Union Law In Effect

March 30, 2011- NPR: Wisconsin Judge Reads Riot Act To State Officials On Union Law

March 30, 2011- Politic365: In Florida, A Power Struggle Over Privatization of Prisons

March 30, 2011- Broward-Palm Beach New Times: Republican to Privatize $600 Million Worth of Florida's Prisons, Could Fatten Contributors' Pockets

March 29, 2011- Politicus USA: Republicans Use A Budget Ruse To Sneak Christianity Into Our Schools

March 29, 2011- Miami Herald: Blind woman challenges Gov. Rick Scott's new rules

March 29, 2011- CMD PR Watch: A CMD Special Report: Who Are the Headliners at Koch-Funded AFP Conventions?

March 29, 2011- Market Watch: Tax the Super Rich now or face a revolution

March 29, 2011- Daily Cardinal: Despite legality question, union law implemented

March 29, 2011- Truthout: The New American Dream

March 29, 2011- Huffington Post: Wisconsin Judge Halts Further Implementation Of Union Law

March 29, 2011- Christian Science Monitor: Wisconsin judge's stern rebuke: collective-bargaining bill is not law

March 29, 2011- RAW Story: Ohio House committee passes public union curbs

March 29, 2011- RAW Story: Wisconsin GOP senator boasts: We have broken the power of unions

March 29, 2011- The Progressive: Wisconsin Leads the War on Public Schools

March 29, 2011- The Examiner: Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI) claims he is struggling with $174K salary

March 29, 2011- Minneapolis Star Tribune: Rich are getting richer? Exactly right

March 29, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Judge again blocks GOP collective-bargaining plan

March 29, 2011- Wisconsin State Journal: Judge bars further implementation of collective bargaining law, threatens sanctions

March 29, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Judge Blocks Wisconsin Anti-Union Law (Again)

March 29, 2011- Washington Post: Wisconsin judge halts state from moving forward on law stripping collective bargaining rights

March 29, 2011- AlterNet: Koch-Backed Right-Wing Group Goes After More Professors, Asking for Emails on Unions and … Rachel Maddow?

March 29, 2011- Mother Jones: The Tea Party's Latest Scheme to Kill Health Reform

March 29, 2011- The Nation: Wisconsin Judge Checks and Balances a Lawless King, er, Governor

March 29, 2011- The Nation: Fitzwalkerstan's Attorney General Decides the Law Does Not Apply to Republicans

March 29, 2011- We-News: Scott Walker Undoes Decades of Women's History

March 29, 2011- LaCrosse Tribune: Our view: Fitzgerald shows why openness matters

March 29, 2011- Twin Cities Daily Planet: No jobs bill, but more than 50 anti-worker bills introduced by GOP in Minnesota state legislature

March 28, 2011- Addicting Info: Weekly Standard: The Koch Brothers Are Innocent Victims of Liberal Hate

March 28, 2011- Truthout: The Deficit Hawks Target Nurses and Firefighters

March 28, 2011- Politico: Govs face budget blowback

March 28, 2011- Miami Herald: Legislature wants to privatize prisons, probation officers

March 28, 2011- AlterNet: The GOP's Absurd Plan for the Economy: Lowering YOUR Wages

March 28, 2011- NYT: Michigan Cuts Jobless Benefit by Six Weeks

March 28, 2011- Think Progress: EXCLUSIVE: DeMint Tells ThinkProgress He Wants To Strip All Federal Employees Of Collective Bargaining Rights

March 28, 2011- In These Times: The Truth Behind the Public Pensions' Funding Gap

March 28, 2011- Broward-Palm Beach New Times: Civil Rights Group Says Rick Scott Violated The Voting Rights Act With New Restrictions On Felons

March 28, 2011- Florida Sun Sentinel: Gov. Scott's drug testing order makes little fiscal or policy sense

March 28, 2011- Washington Independent: FreedomWorks heads to Pennsylvania where groups hopes to quash unions

March 28, 2011- The Nation: Republican Party Launches McCarthyite Attack on a Professor—Unfortunately, They Can't Spell His Name

March 28, 2011- National Review: Wisconsin Fight Goes to Court

March 28, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Indiana Dems To Return Home With Big Concessions From GOPers

March 28, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Report: Wis. Supreme Court Race Running Close In Internal Polls

March 28, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Labor Ups Pressure On Lawmakers To Nix Union-Busting House Bill

march 27, 2011- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Poor schools take biggest budget hit

March 27, 2011- Wisconsin State Journal: Gov. Walker’s spending plan: reform or Republican?

March 27, 2011- NYT: Op-Ed: William Cronon and the American Thought Police

March 27, 2011- Detroit Free Press: Jobs in Michigan: Hunt for work is an endurance test

March 27, 2011- The Smirking Chimp: Sorry, Son - No Magnet School For You. The Koch Bros Need To Pay Less Taxes.

March 27, 2011- Salon: Billionaire self-pity and the Koch brothers

March 27, 2011- Think Progress: REPORT: From Poll Taxes To Voter ID Laws: A Short History of Conservative Voter Suppression

March 26, 2011- Ohio Daily: ALEC: The vast right-wing conspiracy

March 26, 2011- NYT: Op-Ed: A Minimum Wage Increase

March 26, 2011- Wisconsin Journal Times: Wanggaard wants homes off limits to protesters; U.S. Supreme Court has upheld law prohibiting it

March 26, 2011- Palm Beach Post: Gov. Rick Scott's drug testing policy stirs suspicion

March 26, 2011- Asbury Park Press: State laying off code inspectors

March 26, 2011- Talking Points Memo: A Bit More Detail

March 26, 2011- Think Progress: Lawless Wisconsin GOPers Defy Court Order Against Anti-Union Law

March 26, 2011- KABC-TV: Thousands of union supporters march through downtown LA

March 26, 2011- Politico: Kochs lash out at 'dangerous' critics, 'radical' Obama

March 26, 2011- Beaver County Times: 2 Pa. districts mull heavy teacher layoffs

March 25, 2011- Political Disclosure Corporation: Koch Industries Registers in Alberta

March 25, 2011- CMD PR Watch: Indiana Prosecutor's Email to Walker Encouraged Wisconsin Violence

March 25, 2011- Fortune: Unpaid jobs: The new normal?

March 25, 2011- Seattle PI: The Koch brothers move north

March 25, 2011- Center for American Progress: The Consequences of Conservatism

March 25, 2011- Kalmazoo Gazette: Large Kalamazoo crowd protests Gov. Rick Snyder's budget

March 25, 2011- RAW Story: Progressives launch ad against WI justice who called colleague a ‘bitch’

March 25, 2011- AlterNet: Union-Busting: Six Fired After Demanding Sick Days for Fast-Food Workers

March 25, 2011- Forbes: Gov. Scott Walker To Defy Court Order Blocking Anti-Collective Bargaining Law?

March 25, 2011- Think Progress: Think Progress: Justice-For-Sale Lobbyists Raising "Unlimited and Undisclosed" Donations To Buy Supreme Court Seat

March 25, 2011- Rabble.Ca: Tea Party architects lobby Alberta for input into tar sands industry

March 25, 2011- Politicus USA: Scott Walker Kills His Wisconsin Union Busting Bill By Publishing It

March 25, 2011- NYT: Op-Ed: A Shabby Crusade in Wisconsin

March 25, 2011- NYT: Op-Ed: Losing Our Way

March 25, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Union law published despite restraining order

March 25, 2011- AP: Wisconsin union law published despite court order

March 25, 2011- NPR News: Wis. Union Law May Take Effect, Despite Court Order

March 25, 2011- Color Lines: Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder’s Financial Martial Law on Poor Cities

March 25, 2011- Washington Post: Rick Scott’s extremely profitable policy proposal

March 25, 2011- Salon: Wisconsin's most dangerous professor

March 25, 2011- Mother Jones: Who Screwed the Middle Class?

March 25, 2011- Mother Jones: Rick Scott's Medicaid Overhaul to Benefit…Rick Scott?

March 25, 2011- The Nation: Wisconsin GOP Seeks to Silence a Distinguished Dissenter. McCarthyism is Back.

March 25, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Wis. Republicans Publish Anti-Union Law — In Apparent Defiance Of Court Order

March 25, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Protesters Erupt As New Hampshire GOPers Move Anti-Union Bill That Goes Farther Than Walker's

March 25, 2011- Talking Points Memo: UW Prof. Cronon: I Wish GOP 'Could Have Spelled My Name Correctly'

March 25, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Washington GOP Gubernatorial Hopeful Distances From Scott Walker

March 25, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Walker's Office: We Never Saw The 'False Flag' E-Mail From Indiana Prosecutor

March 25, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Anti-Union Push Picks Up Steam On Capitol Hill

March 25, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Wis. GOP: Attacks On Our Open-Records Request Against Professor Are 'Chilling'

March 25, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Wis. GOP FOIAs Emails of State University Prof Critical Of Gov. Walker 

March 25, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: GOP seeks e-mails of UW-Madison professor

March 24, 2011- Canadian Business Journal: Koch Industries registers to lobby Alberta gov't

March 24, 2011- Scholar As Citizen: Abusing Open Records to Attack Academic Freedom

March 24, 2011- OpEd News: The War on Public Education

March 24, 2011- UnemployedWorkers.Com: Michigan Lawmakers Vote to Begin Dismantling State's Unemployment Insurance System

March 24, 2011- NoLa.Com: Union rallies against Gov. Bobby Jindal's prison privatization plan

March 24, 2011- NJ.Com: N.J. Turnpike toll collectors union files lawsuit to delay vote on privatization

March 24, 2011- Portland Herald: LePage to Department of Labor: Lobby mural must go

March 24, 2011- AlterNet: GOP Governor Orders Removal of Pro-Labor Mural — Are We Still in America?

March 24, 2011- NYT: Op-Ed: The Austerity Delusion

March 24, 2011- Truthout: The Green Justice Coalition, Helping Labor and the Environment

March 24, 2011- Solve Climate News: Developer Pulls Plug on Wisconsin Wind Farm Over Policy Uncertainty

March 24, 2011- Earth Techling: Large Wisconsin Wind Farm Killed By Politics

March 24, 2011- WisconsinWatch.Org: Email to Walker suggested faking violence

March 24, 2011- Crooks & Liars: Indiana Prosecutor Resigns After Email To Gov Walker Encouraging Fake Violence

March 24, 2011- New Jersey Newsroom: Gov. Chris Christie and Senate President Stephen Sweeney see end to local police departments

March 24, 2011- Wonkette: Maine’s New Teabagger Governor Axes Labor Mural From Dept. of Labor

March 24, 2011- Sarasota Herald-Tribune: Public hospitals on Gov. Scott's radar

March 24, 2011- Think Progress: Indiana Official Reportedly Advised Scott Walker To Stage A Phony Violent Attack By Union Supporters

March 24, 2011- Bloomberg: Democrats want veto of Michigan unemployment bill

March 24, 2011- Bloomberg: Gov. Scott taking aim at Fla.'s public hospitals

March 24, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Editor's Blog: My Worlds Collide

March 24, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Indiana Prosecutor Encouraged 'False Flag' Assault On Walker To Discredit Wisconsin Unions

March 24, 2011- The Nation: Wisconsin's Last La Follette Blocks a 'Dictator' Governor's Power Grab

March 24, 2011- The Atlantic Wire: Oklahoma Firefighters Criticized for Footage of Them Doing Their Jobs

March 24, 2011- Orlando Sentinel: Lawmakers’ creative education math, and Wise on the media whipsaw

March 23, 2011- SustainableBusiness.Com: Koch Industries Handles 25 Percent of Canada Tar Sand Oil

March 23, 2011- Mother Jones: Behind Michigan's "Financial Martial Law": Corporations and Right-Wing Billionaires

March 23, 2011- Orlando Sentinel: Scott orders study of abolishing public hospitals

March 23, 2011- Holland Sentinel: American workers got what they deserved

March 23, 2011- Bloomberg: Wisconsin Prosecutor Adds Legislature as Defendants in Union-Powers Suit

March 23, 2011- Robert Reich Blog: Why Governor LePage Can't Erase History, and Why We Need a Fighter in the White House

March 23, 2011- Campaign For Americia's Future: From Memphis to Madison: The April 4 Stand For Economic Justice

March 23, 2011- CMD PR Watch: Will “Bitches” and “Turds” Decide the Fate of Wisconsin?

March 23, 2011- Mother Jones: Behind Michigan's "Financial Martial Law": Corporations and Right-Wing Billionaires

March 23, 2011- AP: Emails show Wis. GOP considerations to punish Dems

March 23, 2011- Journal-Times: Under budget, teachers with revoked licenses could teach at charter schools

March 23, 2011- Miami Herald: Gov. Rick Scott orders random drug tests for state workers

March 23, 2011- AlterNet: Buyer's Remorse: GOP House Majority in Jeopardy Already

March 23, 2011- Think Progress: Buried Provision In House GOP Bill Would Cut Off Food Stamps To Entire Families If One Member Strikes

March 23, 2011- Think Progress: Conservatives On Wisconsin Supreme Court Let Corporate Lobbyists Write Judicial Ethics Rules

March 23, 2011- Truthout: Rich Get Richer With New Congress

March 23, 2011- Care2: Conservative Corporate Advocacy Group ALEC Behind Voter Disenfranchisement Efforts

March 23, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Poll: As Michigan's GOP Gov. Loses Support, Dem Senator Rises

March 23, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Maine Governor Orders Mural Depicting Labor History Removed From Labor Department

March 23, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Wis. Justice Prosser On Court's Civility Problems: 'I Am Castigated All The Time'

March 23, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Poll: Percent Of Ohio Voters Who Disapprove Of New Gov. Doubles

March 23, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Union Busters Say Gov. Mitch Daniels Doesn't Know How To Bust

March 23, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Buyer's Remorse: Polls Show 3 New GOP Gov's Losing In Do Overs

March 23, 2011- Lewiston Sun-Journal: LePage orders removal of labor mural, sparking outcry

March 22, 2011- Market Watch: New Civil War erupts, led by super rich, GOP

March 22, 2011- AlterNet: Kochs Profit from Canadian Eco-Nightmare

March 22, 2011- FireDogLake: The Mind Trust: The Celebrity-Corporate-Government Plan To Privatize Indiana Education

March 22, 2011- FireDogLake: Koch Oil: “It was obvious to me that this was organized crime and management driven from the top down”- William Koch

March 22, 2011- River Falls Journal: Come back with those petition signatures!

March 22, 2011- CREW: Wisconsin GOP Leaders Knew Using State Troopers Broke the Law

March 22, 2011- The Tennessean: House committee voted 12-6 to limit teachers unions

March 22, 2011- The Tyee: The Kochs: Oil Sands Billionaires Bankrolling US Right

March 22, 2011- WSJ Market Watch: New Civil War erupts, led by super rich, GOP

March 21, 2011- Palm Beach Post: Poorest, sickest, oldest poised for brunt of Florida Senate budget cut proposals

March 21, 2011- Michigan Messenger: Jails may be privatized under Emergency Manager law

March 21, 2011- Christian Science Monitor: Wisconsin redux: Indiana Democrats flee state in protest

March 21, 2011- AlterNet: Girlfriend of WI GOP State Senator Gets State Job, 36% Raise

March 21, 2011- Truthout: Attacks on Public-Employee Unions Undermine the Middle Class

March 21, 2011- Think Progress: CHART: Taxing Millionaires Would Save Billions More Than Cutting Education And Programs For Main Street

March 21, 2011- Think Progress: Corporations Push To Revive Tax Break That Incentivizes Them To Stash More Money Overseas

March 21, 2011- Buzzflash: The Big Banks Run the Show

March 21, 2011- Washinton Monthly: The Congressman From Koch Industries

March 21, 2011- Think Progress: Scott Walker Touts His Union-Busting Agenda As "Progressive"

March 21, 2011- FOK News: Cut The Unions, Hire The Girlfriends

March 20, 2011- Campaign for America's Future: Koch And Native-American Reservation Oil Theft

March 20, 2011- Think Progress: Walker Ally On Wisconsin Supreme Court Calls State's First Female Justice A 'Bitch'

March 20, 2011- America Blog: What's the source of these anti-union measures? Meet ALEC, a right-wing group that writes state laws for Republicans

March 20, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Senator's girlfriend had help getting job

March 20, 2011- Wisconsin State Journal: Study: Budget could hurt state's economy

March 20, 2011- Washington Post: GOP freshman Pompeo turned to Koch for money for business, then politics 

March 20, 2011- Politicus USA: Walker Linked Wisconsin Justice Called Female Chief Justice A “Bitch”

March 20, 2011- Politcus USA: Republican House Committee Legislates Climate Change out of Existence

March 20, 2011- Huffington Post: Gov. Scott Walker to sell state’s power plants

March 20, 2011- Huffington Post: Labor Movement Roars Again, But It's A Wounded Sound

March 19, 2011- Sun Sentinel: Real reason behind decision to derail high-speed rail

March 19, 2011- The Cap Times: Grass Roots: Fallout on veterans fuels insider critique of state budget

March 19, 2011- LaCrosse Tribune: 100 new jobs; 1 big protest — Walker comes to City Brewery

March 19, 2011- Green Bay Gazette: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker releases e-mails about union rights

March 19, 2011- Wisconsin State Journal: Footnote: What's the difference between the budget repair bill and the biennial budget?

March 19, 2011- Isthmus: Veterans rally opens fifth consecutive Saturday of Wisconsin labor solidarity protests

March 19, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Supreme Court tensions boil over

March 18, 2011- WisPolitics: Wisconsin Wave: It's time to pull back the curtain on who's behind Scott Walker

March 18, 2011- NewsMax: Poll: Scott Walker Is GOP 2012 Contender

March 18, 2011- Huffington Post: For Better or For Worse?-Governor Walker Chose Worse

March 18, 2011- Reuters: Idaho teacher union may ask voters to overturn curbs

March 18, 2011- The Exiled: How Long Has “New Media Strategies” Been Trolling Wikipedia On The Kochs’ Behalf?

March 18, 2011- WKOW: Salary boosted for worker with ties to Hopper

March 18, 2011- Wisconsin State Journal: Judge orders temporary halt to collective bargaining law; state will appeal

March 18, 2011- CNN: Wisconsin judge halts state budget law curbing unions' power

March 18, 2011- Washington Post: Judge blocks Wisconsin law curbing labor rights

March 18, 2011- NYT: Judge’s Order Blocks Law on Unions in Wisconsin

March 18, 2011- Talking Points Memo: WI Attorney General To Appeal Ruling Against Anti-Union Law

March 18, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Progressive Group's Ad Ties WI Supreme Court Justice To Scott Walker

March 18, 2011- Crooks & Liars: War On The Poor: Minnesota Republicans Want To Bust Poor People Who Carry Cash

March 18, 2011- The Nation: America's Not Broke, Wisconsin's Not Broke; We're Just Wasting Money on War

March 18, 2011- Channel 3000: Secretary: Proposed State Budget Falls Short Of Meeting Veterans' Needs

March 18, 2011- Channel 3000: Judge Issues Restraining Order To Block Collective Bargaining Bill

March 18, 2011- Truthout: Totalitarian Democracy

March 18, 2011- Labor Notes: Ohio Governor Gets 3,000 Boos

March 18, 2011- Think Progress: Koch Industries: 'Carbon Dioxide Is Not A Pollutant'

March 18, 2011- Think Progress: Who Is Bankrolling A Lawsuit To End The Ban On Foreign Money In U.S. Elections?

March 18, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Dane County judge halts collective bargaining law

March 18, 2011- RAW Story: Koch-founded group recycles misleading video to support union-busting in Ohio

March 17, 2011- Washington Post: How powerful are the Koch brothers?

March 17, 2011- Mother Jones: WI Dems: Walker's Frank Luntz Visit Broke the Law

March 17, 2011- Think Progerss: Koch Brothers Pump More Money To Scott Brown

March 17, 2011- The Progressive: Wisconsin Teacher in Apparent Suicide, “Distraught” Over Walker’s Cuts

March 17, 2011- AlterNet: Wisconsin Recall: Tea Party Express Warns GOP In Danger

March 17, 2011- Amnesty International: Warning on US states' plan to severely restrict workers' rights

March 17, 2011- Think Progress: Michigan's Constitution Allows Governor Snyder To Be Recalled In July

March 17, 2011- The Nation: We Are All Wisconsinites Now

March 17, 2011- The Nation: Meet US Uncut

March 17, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Feds Say Big GOP Donor Lampooned Elderly Investors In $200M Ponzi Scheme

March 17, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Republican Voters Like Scott Walker More Than Top GOP Pres. Candidates

March 17, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Wis. GOP State Senator Brings In National-Level Campaign Talent

March 17, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Progressive Groups Step Up Recall Ad Campaign

March 17, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Madison On The Potomac: Labor Protesters Storm Lobbyists' Lobby In DC

March 17, 2011- UPI: Thousands protest at Michigan statehouse

March 17, 2011- Center for Economic Policy and Research: Governor Walker Tells Post Readers That He Doesn't Understand Basic Economics

March 16, 2011- Washington Post: Scott Walker Op-Ed: Striking the right bargain in Wisconsin

March 16, 2011- The Nation: Remembering the Triangle Fire

March 16, 2011- The Nation: Beyond Austerity

March 16, 2011- eNews.Com: Koch Paper Mill Profits from Weak Pollution Regulation

March 16, 2011- Buzzflash: Legislated Dictatorship: Coming to a State Near You?

March 16, 2011- Think Progress: Property Rights And the Kochs

March 16, 2011- Grist: Koch-funded group mounts cut-and-paste attack on regional climate initiatives

March 16, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Protests In Michigan Over 'Financial Martial Law'

March 16, 2011- Talking Points Memo: National Republicans Rally Around Scott Walker

March 16, 2011- Talking Points Memo: As Wisconsin Sens Head For DC, Labor Brings The War To Them

March 16, 2011- Huffington Post: Wisconsin Union Law Challenge Filed By Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne

March 16, 2011- Huffington Post: Pro-Labor Group Working America Recruits 20,000 New Wisconsin Members In Wake Of Budget Protests

March 16, 2011- Truthout: Refocus, Re-Energize, Recall: Wisconsin's Mass Movement Considers Next Steps

March 16, 2011- National Journal: Next Stop For Wisconsin Protesters: Washington, D.C.

March 16, 2011- Chicago Tribune: Michigan governor signs emergency managers bill

March 16, 2011- Isthmus : Lawsuit settled: Isthmus, AP will get emails, Walker must pay legal costs

March 16, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Senitnel: 'Miracle on Hudson' co-pilot withdraws money from M&I

March 15, 2011- BizTimes: Walker’s great train robbery sticks us with a $60 million bill

March 15, 2011- Bloomberg: Wis. union fight could carry over to court race

March 15, 2011- American Constitution Society: The Toll Road to Serfdom

March 15, 2011- Scholoar As Citizen: Who’s Really Behind Recent Republican Legislation in Wisconsin and Elsewhere? (Hint: It Didn’t Start Here)

March 15, 2011- Economic Policy Institute: The sad but true story of wages in America

March 15, 2011- NYT: Blog: A Foil for the Koch Brothers?

March 15, 2011- CBS News: Koch Industries accused of polluting waterway

March 15, 2011- Think Progress: Tea Party Billionaire David Koch Hosted One Of Mitt Romney's First Fundraisers For 2012 Campaign

March 15, 2011- Think Progress: Committee From Koch Votes To Deny Climate Change

March 15, 2011- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Corbett, Legislature sued over adultBasic expiration

March 15, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Walker's Budget Would Make WI Labor Mediator A Political Appointee

March 15, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Wis. GOPers Restore Voting Rights To Senate Dems, Lift Fines

March 15, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Schumer: House GOP Freshman, Conservatives Are 'Scott Walker Republicans'

March 15, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Ohioans Having Incredible Buyers Remorse Over Gov. Kasich

March 15, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Wis. GOPer Whose Home Was Picketed To wholesale NFL jerseys Propose Bill Outlawing Pickets At Homes

March 15, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Three WI Republicans Trail In Recall Election Against Generic Dems

March 15, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Wis. GOP State Senator's Wife: He Had An Affair, 'Now Lives Mostly In Madison'

March 15, 2011- Think Progress: Despite Budget Crisis, Arizona Lawmakers Propose Generous Tax Breaks For Subprime Schools

March 15, 2011- The Media Consortium: Weekly Audit: Massive Protest In Wisconsin Shows Walker’s Overreach

March 15, 2011- Truthout: Class Warfare, the Final Chapter

March 15, 2011- Crooks & Liars: Nowhere To Hide! 2,000 Protesters Turn Out To Taunt Walker As He Attends Fundraiser 

March 14, 2011- Consortium News: At War with Community Responsibility

March 14, 2011- Employment Policy Research Network: Fuzzy Privatization Math

March 14, 2011- Florida Independent: Rubio the No. 1 recipient of Koch money in 2010 Senate races

March 14, 2011- Down With Tyranny: Will Obama Sell Out Teachers- And Students- To Corporate Interests?

March 14, 2011- American Independent: Has Koch Industries’ investment in Marco Rubio paid off?

March 14, 2011- Huffington Post: When FDR Came to Wisconsin to Fight the Kochs and Walkers of 1934  

March 14, 2011- Huffington Post: Eight Civics Lessons from Governor Walker

March 14, 2011- Huffington Post: Wisconsin Governor's Allies Ran a Toxic Bailout Bank… and Got Rich

March 14, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Wis. GOPer Scott Fitzgerald: Dems In Contempt, Not Allowed To Vote In Committees

March 14, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Milwaukee Labor Leader: Union To 'Redirect' Efforts To Recalls — And No Talk Of Strikes

March 14, 2011- Talking Points Memo: GOP War on Unions Could Boost President Obama in 2012

March 14, 2011- Politicus USA: Disenfranchised: WI Senate GOP Decide Democratic 14 Votes Don’t Count

March 14, 2011- Truthout: The Key to Rebuilding Workers' Power: Unrig the Rules

March 14, 2011- Other Words: The Corporate-GOP Attack on America's Middle Class

March 14, 2011- Think Progress: After Kl?ranlagenbesichtigung Passing Anti-Union Bill, Gov. Walker Seeks to Gut Medicaid

March 14, 2011- Think Progress: Michigan's GOP Governor Slashes Corporate Tax Rate by 86 Percent, Hikes Taxes for Working Poor

March 14, 2011- Truth Dig: Power Concedes Nothing Without a Demand 

March 13, 2011- SF Examiner: Fascism is Alive and Gaining Strength in America

March 13, 2011- Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel: Low-income elderly could lose drug plan

March 13, 2011- Miami Herald: Keeping up with the GOP governors

March 13, 2011- Politicus USA: Wisconsin Troopers Union Alarmed By Walker’s Unlawful Deployment

March 13, 2011- Buzzflash: Scott Walker Will "Open the State up to a Corporate Asset-grab Not Seen Since the Robber Barons"

March 13, 2011- Buzzflash: The Dream Team in Madison: Unions, Progressives and Young People Jubilantly Celebrate Democracy, 100,000 Strong

March 13, 2011- Duluth News Tribune: Wis. governor greeted at Washburn fundraiser by thousands of protesters

March 13, 2011- CNN: Democratic senators greeted by cheering crowds in Wisconsin

March 13, 2011- Dayton Business Journal: Poll: Strong opposition of collective bargaining bills

March 13, 2011- RAW Story: WI Repub lives outside district with mistress, says wife

March 13, 2011- Truthout: Assault on Collective Bargaining Illegal, Says International Labor Rights Group

March 12, 2011- The Republic: NJ withdraws from lawsuit seeking judicial oversight over pollution issues

March 12, 2011- Foolocracy: Wisconsin Protesters Surround State Senator’s Home; Wife Explains that He lives with 25-Year-Old Mistress Now

March 12, 2011- This Can't Be Happening: Pennsylvania's Corbett Expands Conservative War on the Middle Class

March 12, 2011- NYT: For Wisconsin Lawmakers, a Hero’s Homecoming

March 12, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Democratic senators return to Madison to tell crowd fight isn't over

March 12, 2011- RAW Story: Mass protest against Republican cuts to services, union rights

March 12, 2011- Mother Jones: A Letter to Scott Walker From a Wisconsin Teacher

March 12, 2011- Politicus USA: The Wisconsin Protest Outdraws Glenn Beck’s Rally To Restore Honor

March 12, 2011- Think Progress: Nearly Identical Anti-Labor Bills Appear In Maine, Missouri, New Hampshire, Other States

March 12, 2011- Buzzflash: Gewinnspiel Next Will Walker Sell Bank of America Naming Rights to High Schools? Hire Wackenhut Security as Hall Monitors?

March 12, 2011- Reuters: Up to 100,000 protest Wisconsin law curbing unions

March 12, 2011- Reuters: Massive crowd gathers to protest Wisconsin union law

March 12, 2011- Truthout: The True Power Behind the Wisconsin Protests

March 12, 2011- CMD PR Watch: WI Firefighters Spark "Move Your Money" Moment

March 12, 2011- Liberaland: Buried In Altered Wisconsin Bill: Sale Of Power Plants That Can Benefit Koch Bros

March 12, 2011- Huffington Post: Did They Die in Vain?

March 12, 2011- The Nation: Tractors Roll Into Madison, As Wisconsin Readies for the Biggest Protest Yet

March 12, 2011- Bleeding Heartland: Iowa House cuts off debate, approves collective bargaining bill

March 11, 2011- Left Turn: The Corporate Hijacking of Public Education

March 11, 2011- Center For Public Integrity: Haley Barbour’s money juggernaut for 2012

March 11, 2011- Political Cortex: The Koch Brothers Own Scott Walker

March 11, 2011- American Independent: Florida’s Marco Rubio is Senate’s largest recipient of Koch money

March 11, 2011- Center for Media & Democracy PR Watch: Karl Rove's Secretly-Funded Crossroads GPS Attacks Unions in Nationwide Ad 

March 11, 2011- RAW Story: Wisconsin protesters target bank that supported Governor Walker

March 11, 2011- The Progressive: Walker Wins Battle, But Will Lose War

March 11, 2011- Digital Journal: Op-Ed: The GOP's costly Wisconsin Koch binge is a wake-up call

March 11, 2011- Media Matters: Wash. Times Cherry-Picks Poll To Falsely Suggest Americans Oppose Unions

March 11, 2011- Dirt Diggers Digest: Billionaires, Blowhards and Bribery

March 11, 2011- Washington Post: Wisconsin governor signs bill slashing union rights for public workers

March 11, 2011- Truthout: The Last Hurdle for Corporate Capitalism: Deunionizing America

March 11, 2011- Truthout: Long Live Democracy: Reclaim Wisconsin

March 11, 2011- Frum Forum: How McCain-Feingold Empowered the Kochs

March 11, 2011- PBS Need To Know: Income inequality in America: An illustrated interview

March 11, 2011- Alternet: Awesome: Wisconsin Firefighters Shut Down Bank That Funded Walker

March 11, 2011- Huffington Post: More Than $3 Million Spent In Three Weeks On Wisconsin-Related Ads

March 11, 2011- Huffington Post: Gray Davis Pollster Bullish On Wisconsin Recall Elections

March 11, 2011- Christian Science Monitor: Walker signs bill. What happens to Wisconsin unions now?

March 11, 2011- Buzzflash: Koch Brothers Increased Wealth by $9 Billion Last Year As They Fund Laws to Make Working Class Poorer

March 11, 2011- Common Dreams: Koch Brothers and US Chamber: Polluting Our Earth and Our Democracies 

March 11, 2011- Huffington Post: Why Wisconsin Matters for Environmentalists

March 11, 2011- PBS Need To Know: Public unions and state budgets, blood transfusions

March 11, 2011- cheap MLB jerseys Crooks & Liars: Between Wisconsin Senate and Assembly Vote, Power Plant Sales Reappear

March 11, 2011- Pro Publica: Collective Bargaining, Explained: Why It’s at the Center of Fights Now

March 11, 2011- Think Progress: Gov. Scott Walker Refusing To Release Details Of Contacts With Koch Industries

March 11, 2011- Student Activism: Wisconsin Solidarity School Walkout at 2PM Today Picking Up National Support

March 11, 2011- Daily Mail: White House attacks Wisconsin anti-union bill as state assembly passes controversial law

March 10, 2011- Press Release: USW Slams Walker’s Assault on Democracy

March 10, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Wisconsin GOPers To Huddle With Corporate Lobbyists In DC After Worker Rights Vote

March 10, 2011- Christian Science Monitor: Did Wisconsin Republicans need to attack collective bargaining?

March 10, 2011- Politicus USA: Wisconsin Republican Cowards Skulk Away After Shameful Vote

March 10, 2011- Buzzflash: Sanders Introduces Millionaires' Surtax Bill

March 10, 2011- Buzzflash: Wisconsin is Not Your Father’s “Culture Wars” - It’s a Right Wing “Cultural Revolution”

March 10, 2011- Buzzflash: What Do Wisconsin Protesters Have in Common with Iraqis?

March 10, 2011- The Nation: When Is It Time for a General Strike?

March 10, 2011- Huffington Post: Wisconsin Union Bill Passes State Assembly

March 10, 2011- Huffington Post: Wisconsin Poll: Republican Enthusiasm Gap Vanishes

March 10, 2011- Buzzflash: Scott Walker Even Lies About the Cost of Democracy

March 10, 2011- Salon: The Wisconsin union fight goes nuclear

March 10, 2011- Yes! Magazine: "This is Not Democracy" — Wisconsin's Anti-Union Bill Passes

March 10, 2011- Truthout: Scott Walker, Reagan's Self-Appointed Heir

March 10, 2011- Robert Reich: Governor Walker’s Coup D’Etat

March 10, 2011- McClatchy: Wisconsin Republicans bypass Democrats on union bill

March 10, 2011- Think Progress: Wisconsin Can Repeal Walker's Anti-Union Bill In 2012 And Amend The State Constitution In 2013

March 10, 2011- Fox News: Wisconsin Lawmakers Pass Anti-Union Bill as Police Remove Protesters

March 10, 2011- Truthout: Then They Came for the Trade Unionists

March 10, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Wis. Capitol Tense As Assembly Delays Vote On Anti-Union Bill

March 10, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Wisconsin Justice Dept. Investigating Threat Sent To Senate GOPers

March 10, 2011- The Guardian: Scott Walker's real agenda in Wisconsin

March 10, 2011- The Guardian: Wisconsin: a pivotal moment for American unions

March 10, 2011- American Constitution Society Blog: Wis. Republicans’ Action Against Public Workers Escalates Protests

March 10, 2011- Isthmus : Wisconsin Republican senators skedaddle from Capitol on Madison Metro bus

March 10, 2011- Mother Jones: Wisconsin GOP Bill Allows State to Fire Employees for Strikes, Walk-Outs

March 10, 2011- Washington Post: What Wisconsin Democrats can teach Washington Democrats

March 10, 2011- The Cap Times: Tears and resolve after Capitol vote

March 10, 2011- The Cap Times: Officials file complaints with DA and AG on controversial Capitol vote

March 10, 2011- Education Votes: Wisconsin General Assembly Passes Devastating Budget Bill

March 10, 2011- Indy Star: Thousands gather at Indiana Statehouse for labor rally

March 10, 2011- The Nation: 'Shame!' Legislators Approve Wisconsin Governor's Anti-Worker Agenda

March 10, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Walker: Union Bill's Changes 'Are Indeed Fiscal'

March 10, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Pro-Union Protesters Swarm Indianapolis

March 10, 2011- Socialist Worker: Do or die in Wisconsin

March 10, 2011- Press Release: Socialist Party USA Statement on the Wisconsin GOP Attack On Unions

March 10, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Feingold: 'Wisconsin's Citizens Will Hold Their Elected Officials Accountable'

March 10, 2011- Buzzflash: There is No Pension Crisis in Wisconsin. Scott Walker is Lying Again.

March 9, 2011- Fox News: GOP Senators Introduce National 'Right-to-Work' Bill to Restrict Unions

March 9, 2011- Huffington Post: Wisconsin GOP Senators Pass Stand-Alone Anti-Union Bill Without Democrats Present

March 9, 2011- Truthout: The Corporate/GOP Attack on America's Middle Class

March 9, 2011- Press Release: Iraq Veterans against the war stand with the people of Madison.

March 9, 2011- Wisconsin State Journal: Thousands storm the Capitol as state reacts to budget votes in Legislature

March 9, 2011- FOK News: The Suicide Of The Republican Party

March 9, 2011- Slate: Wisconsin Senate GOP Tries Nuclear Option for Passing Anti-Union Bill [UPDATE: It Worked]

March 9, 2011- Think Progress: WI Senate GOP Leader Admits On-Air That His Goal Is To Defund Labor Unions, Hurt Obama's Reelection Chances

March 9, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Wis. State Senate Passes Anti-Union Bill, In End-Run Around Dem Boycott

March 9, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Wisconsin Conference Committee Passes New, Stripped-Down Anti-Union Bill

March 9, 2011- Talking Points Memo: WI GOPers Making End Run Around Absent Dems On Anti-Union Bill

March 9, 2011- Think Progress: Koch Industries Employs PR Firm To Airbush Wikipedia, Gets Banned For Unethical "Sock Puppets"

March 9, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Wis. GOP Leader Scott Fitzgerald: 'Are Our Recall Statutes Legit?'

March 9, 2011- Daily Kos: Idaho legislature strips teachers' collective bargaining rights

March 8, 2011- The Hill: Share the sacrifice

March 8, 2011- Detroit Free Press: Amid shouts from protesters, Michigan Senate sets vote on emergency manager bill

March 8, 2011- Forbes: Koch Brothers Key Political Employee Has Dark And Disturbing Past

March 8, 2011- Balloon Juice: Repealing child labor laws? It’s just common sense. Kids are useless anyway.

March 8, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Walker Releases E-mails From Talks With Key Dems — And Dems Fire Back

March 8, 2011- Salon: Yes, the Kochs fund groups out of self-interest

March 8, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Ground Shift: Are Wis. Republicans Now Getting Worn Down?

March 8, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Easels, Crockpots, Vuvuzelas And Balloons Banned From WI Capitol

March 8, 2011- Talking Points Memo: NH Republicans Seek To Penalize State Workers Who Sue For Breach Of Contract

March 8, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Déjà Vu All Over Again: Wis. GOPers Face…Loud Town Halls!

March 8, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Walker: 'My Guess' Is Dems Had Phone Calls With 'Union Bosses In D.C.'

March 8, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Progressives Get Serious About Wisconsin Recalls

March 8, 2011- Buzzflash: Beware of the Invisible Financial Hand

March 8 2011- The Cap Times: What Michael Moore gets about Wisconsin … and America

March 8, 2011- Truthout: From "Morning in America" to the Nightmare on Main Street

March 7, 2011- Dayton Business Journal: Fire fighters attack ‘anti-union’ bills in Ohio, Fla., Wis.

March 7, 2011- Time Magazine: Budget Fight: What Public Employees Really Cost

March 7, 2011- Boston Globe: Brown thanks conservative billionaire David Koch for campaign donations

March 7, 2011- Seattle PI: Karl Rove, Koch Brothers — on your TV, in your mailbox

March 7, 2011- Crooks & Liars: Where I Respond to Charles Koch's Editorial

March 7, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Wis. Dems File Ethics Complaint Over Walker's Comments On 'Koch' Call

March 7, 2011- Truthout: Public Pensions 101

March 6, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Walker donor wins tax break in budget

March 6, 2011- McClachy: Why employee pensions aren't bankrupting states

March 6, 2011- Truthout: Public Teachers: America's New "Welfare Queens"

March 5, 2011- AlterNet: David H. Koch Does Damage Control, Spouts Lies and Hypocrisy in Rare Interview

March 5, 2011- AlterNet: Public Employee Unions Don't Get One Penny from Taxpayers and Can't Require Membership, But the Big Lie That They Do Is Everywhere

March 5, 2011- Yes! Magazine: How Wisconsin Could Turn Austerity into Prosperity: Own a Bank

March 5, 2011- Buzzflash: New York Times Posts Puff Piece on Koch Brothers

March 5, 2011- NYT: Organized Labor Hopes Attacks by Some States Help Nurture Comeback

March 5, 2011- NYT: Wisconsin’s Legacy of Labor Battles

March 5, 2011- RAW Story: David Koch: Prank call ‘a case of identity theft’

March 4, 2011- Center for Media & Democracy PR Watch: Scott Walker Down the Rat Hole with the Palace Guard

March 4, 2011- Salon: Wisconsin: The Tea Party's Waterloo?

March 4, 2011- Talking Points Memo: The Next Union Battlefield In Ohio: The Ballot Box

March 4, 2011- Open Secrets: Koch Cash, Exploration Rules and Where We Work

March 4, 2011- Daily Kos: Ohio Unions shift focus, plan referendum to stop SB5

March 4, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Wisconsin GOPer In Electoral Trouble After Voting For Walker Bill

March 4, 2011- Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel: Walker notifies unions of layoffs, but gives Democrats 15 days to reverse move

March 4, 2011- Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel: State officials back off Capitol damage claim

March 4, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Wis. Official Backs Away From Claims Of Multi-Million Dollar Capitol Damage

March 4, 2011- GOOD: Does Scott Walker Know That Ronald Reagan Supported Unions and Collective Bargaining?

March 3, 2011- Tax.Com: Breaking News: Tax Revenues Plummeted

March 3, 2011- The Exiled: Billionaire Koch Brothers Use Their $1 Billion-A-Year Taxpayer-Funded Biofuel Subsidy To Bankroll Republicans, Tea Party, Right-wing Libertarian Groups

March 3, 2011- This Can't Be Happening: Madison a Foretaste of Things to Come: The Next Big Occupation Could be Boomers Taking Over the Capitol Building

March 3, 2011- The Nation: The Spirit of Wisconsin

March 3, 2011- Buzzflash: Why Can't Republicans Just Tell the Truth?

March 3, 2011- Buzzflash: Corporate Union Busters Draw First Blood in Ohio

March 3, 2011- Buzzflash: Scott Walker Let State Republican Chair and Campaign Donor Off the Hook in Pension Scandal

March 3, 2011- Think Progress: Blogger From Koch's Law Firm Defends Koch, Doesn’t Disclose Ties

March 3, 2011- Consortium News: US Austerity Marks Race to the Bottom

March 3, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Fox News Presents Mayhem In Madison

March 3, 2011- Reuters: Wisconsin lawmakers are talking compromise

March 3, 2011- Think Progress: BREAKING: Wisconsin Voters Launch Recall Campaign Against Eight GOP State Senators

March 3, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Colbert Mocks Fox News For Bogus Footage Of Union Violence

March 3, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Poll: Democrats Poised To Keep Wisconsin Senate Seat In 2012

March 3, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Polls Consistently Show Six In Ten Oppose Eliminating Collective Bargaining For State Unions

March 3, 2011- The Guardian: Ohio Senate passes bill to restrict public unions

March 3, 2011- Buzzflash: Wisconsin Taxpayers May Pay Millions of Dollars After Being Blackmailed by Scott Walker. It Happened Before.

March 2, 2011- Think Progress: BREAKING: Wisconsin Voters Launch Recall Campaign Against Eight GOP State Senators

March 2, 2011- This Can't Be Happening: Philadelphia: The Next Big Target for the Right-Wing Assault on Public Employees and Unions

March 2, 2011- Buzzflash: Bernie Sanders: Don’t Balance the Budget on the Backs of the Middle Class

March 2, 2011- Huffington Post: House GOP Lobs Tomato Back at Dems in Styrofoam Food Fight

March 2, 2011- CMD PR Watch: A CMD Special Report: Who Is the League of American Voters? The First in a Series on the Squawkers for Walker

March 2, 2011- The Nation: With State Budgets Withering, Get Ready for the 'Womancession'

March 2, 2011- AP Texas News: Child donates bag of change to save teachers' jobs

March 2, 2011- The Cap Times: Cieslewicz and Falk blast Walker budget plans

March 2, 2011- NYT: The Hollow Cry of ‘Broke’

March 2, 2011- SustainableBusiness.Com: Koch Brothers Behind Environment Killing Measures

March 2, 2011- Huffington Post: Wisconsin Dems Start Recall Initiative

March 2, 2011- Left In Alabama: Alabama Pols with Koch Money

March 2, 2011- Huffington Post: Former Koch Exec Supplying House's New Styrofoam Cups

March 2, 2011- Triple Pundit: Wisconsin Bill Could Hand Utility Rights to Koch Brothers

March 2, 2011- Truthout: The Kochs and the Guv Stir Up a Hornets' Nest

March 2, 2011- The Guardian: How the Rich Soaked the Rest of Us

March 2, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Wis. Senate GOPers Vote To Fine Fugitive Dems $100 Per Day

March 2, 2011- The Awl: In Madison: Scott Walker Packed His Budget Address With Ringers

March 2, 2011- BoingBoing: Scott Walker smuggles ringers into the capital for the legislative session

March 1, 2011- Technology Live: Anonymous actively probing Koch brothers' corporate networks 

March 1, 2011- The Hill: OPINION: Wisconsin governor is waging 'jihad' against unions

March 1, 2011- Alternet: The GOP's Idea of "Shared Sacrifice": Slashing Spending for the Vulnerable While Letting Military Budget Increase

March 1, 2011- Reader Supported News: Fox News' Lies Keep Them Out of Canada

March 1, 2011- Economic Policy Journal: On Koch Supported Herman Cain

March 1, 2011- Campaign For America's Future: America Waking Up To Value Of Unions

March 1, 2011- Buzzflash: Dear Tea Party: You've Been Had

March 1, 2011- Buzzflash: Wisconsin Corporations Underpay State and Local Taxes by More Than $1.3 Billion Annually

March 1, 2011- The Escapist: Anonymous Uncovers Corruption in Wisconsin Labor Dispute

March 1, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Progressives Target GOP State Senators In WI With Recall Threat

March 1, 2011- Think Progress: REPORT: How Koch Industries Makes Billions By Demanding Bailouts And Taxpayer Subsidies

March 1, 2011- Think Progress: REPORT: How Koch Industries Makes Billions Corrupting Government And Polluting For Free (Part 1)

March 1, 2011- Think Progress: REPORT: How Koch Industries Makes Billions Corrupting Government And Polluting For Free (Part 2)

March 1, 2011- Op-Ed News: As the Race to the Bottom Picks Up Speed, Are Americans Finally Fed-Up?

March 1, 2011- Huffington Post: Wisconsin Lawmakers Seek To Criminalize Prank Phone Calls That Make Scott Walker Look Bad

March 1, 2011- Salon: Fox reporter in Wisconsin victim of yet another "union thug" attack

March 1, 2011- Buzzflash: Wisconsin Corporations Underpay State and Local Taxes by More Than $1.3 billion Annually

March 1, 2011- Crooks & Liars: Poll: Over One Million Wisconsin Voters Ready To Sign His Recall Petition, But Walker Doubles Down

February 28, 2011- n+1: The Battle of Wisconsin

February 28, 2011- Wonkette: Earth-Raping Dictator-Supporting House GOP Brings Styrofoam Back

February 28, 2011- Wausau Daily Herald: Utah group targets 8 Democrats for recall

February 28, 2011- AlterNet: How You Can Boycott the Kochs

February 28, 2011- Buzzflash: What's the Difference Between the Koch Brothers and Marie Antoinette: Marie Got the Guillotine

February 28, 2011- Huffington Post: 'Anonymous' Hackers Take Down Koch Brothers-Backed Americans For Prosperity Website

February 28, 2011- Buzzflash: The American Civil War Redux: A Middle Class Divided

February 28, 2011- Crooks & Liars: Kurtz & Co. disparagingly compare Walker hoax call to ACORN videos — which they loved at the time

February 28, 2011- Buzzflash: George Lakoff: Democracy as We Know It is at Stake in the Wisconsin Protests. How Long Can We Afford to Subsidize the Rich?

February 28, 2011- NYT: Majority in Poll Back Employees in Public Sector Unions

February 28, 2011- Talking Points Memo: DGA Chair: With Their Union Battles, GOP Has Given Democrats Their Mojo Back

February 28, 2011- Truthout: Why the Wisconsin Fight Matters

February 28, 2011- Truthout: Right to Work: Representation Without Taxation

February 28, 2011- The Nation: Why the Right Attacked Unions, ACORN and Planned Parenthood 

February 27, 2011- Alternet: Workers' Uprising: Walker Unveils Disastrous New Budget, Threatens Democrats With Teacher Layoffs; Protesters Ejected from Speech

February 27, 2011- Crooks & Liars: Russian TV Covers Wisconsin Protests While US Media Ignores Them

February 27, 2011- The Progressive: Sudden Retirements Wreak Havoc in Wisconsin

February 27, 2011- Truthout: Wisconsin: Health Care, Democracy and the Middle Class Are at Stake

February 27, 2011- The Brad Blog: Gov. Walker's Wisconsin 'Union Busting' Exposes 'Tea Party' Scam, Duped Americans

February 26, 2011- Think Progress: Top Ten Disastrous Policies From the Wisconsin GOP You Haven't Heard About

February 26, 2011- Op-Ed News: WI Governor Scott Walker Shunned; Asked to Leave Restaurant

February 26, 2011- Buzzflash: Tax the Rich: Minnesota's Governor Teaches Scott Walker A Lesson

February 26, 2011- Buzzflash: Scott Walker Appoints Political Confidante With 4 Public Pensions to $90,000 State Position

February 26, 2011- Daily Mail: Reclaiming the banks: Activists turn British banks into creches, classrooms and launderettes in protest over public service cuts

February 26, 2011- The Examiner: Anonymous targets Koch bros with #OpWisconsin

February 26, 2011- RAW Story: Koch front group advocated taking down unions

February 26, 2011- Daily Kos: Update: DDOS takes down AFP, Anonymous to target Koch

February 25, 2011- Think Progress: Koch Front Group Americans For Prosperity: ‘Take The Unions Out At The Knees’

February 25, 2011- Working In These Times: Missouri Legislator Wants to Increase Child Labor

February 25, 2011- The Nation: Why Did Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Participate in Discussions About Disrupting Peaceful Rallies?

February 25, 2011- Forbes: The Wisconsin Lie Exposed – Taxpayers Actually Contribute Nothing To Public Employee Pensions

February 25, 2011- Filmmaker's Diary: A Clenched Fist On Every Lapel

February 25, 2011- IPS: Workers, Students Vow to Fight on in Wisconsin

February 25, 2011- Truthout: Attacks on Unions Barking Up the Wrong Money Tree

February 25, 2011- The Brad Blog: 'Shame! Shame! Shame!': WI Assembly Dems Chant in Protest as GOP Calls Sudden Vote for Union-Busting 'Budget Repair Bill' in Middle of Night

February 25, 2011- MSNBC: Wis. Assembly passes bill taking away union rights

February 25, 2011- AlterNet: Rupert Murdoch and David Koch Collude Against Wisconsin Workers

February 25, 2011- Daily Kos: Slave Labor-Gerrymandering, Redistricting, ALEC, Koch Brothers and their Conservative Agenda…

February 25, 2011- The Cap Times: Koch executives vow to 'continue to fight' in Wisconsin

February 25, 2011- Huffington Post: Wisconsin Assembly Passes Bill Stripping Union Rights From Public Workers

February 24, 2011- NYT: Op-Ed: Shock Doctrine, U.S.A.

February 24, 2011- Tax.Com: Really Bad Reporting in Wisconsin: Who 'Contributes' to Public Workers' Pensions?

February 24, 2011- AlterNet: Corporate-Funded Online 'Astroturfing' Is More Advanced and More Automated Than You Might Think 

February 24, 2011- CBS News: Wisconsin's Gov. Scott Walker gets support from possible GOP presidential candidates

February 24, 2011- National Review: Koch Executives Speak Out on Wisconsin

February 24, 2011- Politicus USA: Wisconsin Religious Leaders Call Out Scott Walker For Betraying His Faith

February 24, 2011- Mother Jones: Plutocracy Now: What Wisconsin Is Really About

February 24, 2011- FireDogLake: Rally at Koch Brothers Lobby Shop Attracts Hundreds

February 24, 2011- Huffinton Post: The War Against the Republic: The Battle Of Madison

February 24, 2011- Wisconsin State Journal: Madison police chief asks Walker to explain 'troubling' statements

February 24, 2011- CMD PR Watch: Koch Brothers "Prank" No Laughing Matter

February 24, 2011- Think Progress: Huckabee On Whether Republicans Are Union Busting: ‘So What?!’

February 24, 2011- Think Progress: Main Street Movement Erupts as Thousands Across Country Protest War on the Middle Class

February 23, 2011- Washington Post: Wisconsin governor urging others to take stands against unions

February 23, 2011- LA Progressive: Is This What a Populist Movement Looks Like?

February 23, 2011- Washington Post: Professors ask Congress for an ethics code for Supreme Court

February 23, 2011- Buzzflash: The Primitive Conservative Psyche

February 23, 2011- Media Matters: Fox Reverses Poll Results To Falsely Claim Most Americans Favor Ending Collective Bargaining

February 23, 2011- The Cap Times: Koch brothers quietly open lobbying office in downtown Madison

February 23, 2011- Huffington Post: Top Six Revelations in the Call Between Fake David Koch and Governor Scott Walker

February 23, 2011- Salon: Fake "Koch brother" calls up Wisconsin governor

February 23, 2011- Salon: What the right forgets about labor history

February 23, 2011- Salon: Scott Walker punks workers

February 23, 2011- Mother Jones: Indiana Official: "Use Live Ammunition" Against Wisconsin Protesters

February 22, 2011- Tuscon Citizen: Koch Brothers and Wall Street buy governors, as well as Supreme Court Justices

February 22, 2011- Twin Cities Daily Planet: The Death of Capitalism: Is Scott Walker helping build a "better world?" 

February 22, 2011- RAW Story: Madison police chief asks Walker to explain ‘troubling’ comments

February 22, 2011- NYT: Spreading Anti-Union Agenda

February 22, 2011- Buzzflash: The Corporatist-Republican Goal for America Is South of the Border

February 22, 2011- Think Progress: Koch Industries Front Group Americans for Prosperity Launches Ad to Support Walker's Union Busting

February 22, 2011- LA Progressive: Fighting ‘Divide and Conquer’ in Wisconsin

February 22, 2011- LA Progressive: The Coming Shutdowns and Showdowns: What’s Really at Stake

February 22, 2011- Truthout: The Republicans Are Coming, the Republicans Are Coming

February 22, 2011- AlterNet: "US Uncut" Calls Out Corporate Tax Deadbeats

February 22, 2011- Michael Moore.Com: Madison Area AFL CIO Votes to Prepare For General Strike

February 21, 2011- Daily Kos: The Koch Brothers' End Game in Wisconsin

February 21, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Wisconsin Legislature Shuts Down Comment Line After Too Many Complaints

February 21, 2011- Mother Jones: What's Happening in Wisconsin Explained

February 21, 2011- Wisconsin Radio Network: Defiant Dems vow to stay away

February 21, 2011- The Cap Times: Ed Garvey: Guessing’s over — now we know how bad Walker is

February 21, 2011- LA Progressive: Why the Attacks on Public Sector Workers and Their Unions

February 21, 2011- Think Progress: How John Birch Society Extremism Never Dies: The Fortune Behind Scott Walker’s Union-Busting Campaign

February 21, 2011- Huffington Post: Scott Walker Rejects Compromise Proposal As Protests Continue

February 21, 2011- AlterNet: 10 Developments in the Huge Story of Wisconsin's Uprising (Multiple Updates) 

February 21, 2011- Crooks & Liars: Krugman: Unions Are The Only Remaining Counterweight To Oligarchy

February 20, 2011- AlterNet: Exposing the Republicans' 3-Part Strategy to Tear the Middle Class Apart — Let's Stop Them in Wisconsin

February 20, 2011- Op Ed News: The Republican Hate Narrative Against Public Employees and Unions

February 20, 2011- Crooks & Liars: Wisconsin Protests: America Speaks Out Against Destructive Republican Policies

February 20, 2011- Buzzflash: Scott Walker's Pants Are on Fire for Lying About Union Busting and Collective Bargaining

February 20, 2011- The Nation: 'This Is What Democracy Looks Like' in Wisconsin, as Largest Crowd Yet—80,000—Opposes Union Busting

February 20, 2011- Truthout: Thank You, Scott Walker

February 19, 2011- CMD PR Watch: A CMD Special Report: Scott Walker Runs on Koch Money

February 19, 2011- Crooks & Liars: Wisconsin Protesters Breitbarted Over Bogus Teachers' Excuses

February 19, 2011- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Biggest protests yet as pro-Walker side, larger union crowd meet peacefully

February 19, 2011- Truthout: What Conservatives Really Want

February 19, 2011- LA Progressive: The Republican Strategy

February 19, 2011- LA Progressive: D-Day For Public Employees

February 19, 2011- Chicago Tribune: Wisconsin budget battle rallies continue

February 19, 2011- BuzzFlash: Scott Walker Padded Salary Increases for Cronies During Budgetary Distress: 24% Salary Increase for Aide with 2 Public Pensions

February 18, 2011- Think Progress: Local Business Community May Be Starting To Turn Against Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker

February 18, 2011- NYT: Wisconsin Leads Way as Workers Fight State Cuts

February 18, 2011- Yes! Magazine: Wisconsin: The First Stop in An American Uprising?

February 18, 2011- CMD PR Watch: A CMD Special Report: Scott Walker Runs on Koch Money

February 18, 2011- Daily Kos: What Most People Don't Understand About the Wisconsin Budget Repair Bill

February 18, 2011- Daily Kos: Organizing recall in Wisconsin

February 18, 2011- AlterNet: 12 Things You Need to Know About the Uprising in Wisconsin

February 18, 2011- Think Progress: Koch Industries Slashed WI Jobs, Helped Elect Scott Walker, Now Orchestrating Pro-Walker Protest

February 18, 2011- Huffington Post: House Votes To Block EPA From Regulating Greenhouse Gases

February 18, 2011- Washington Post: Obama joins Wisconsin's budget battle, opposing Republican anti-union bill

February 18, 2011- Mother Jones: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker: Funded by the Koch Bros.

February 18, 2011- Truthout: Why Do They Hate Social Security?

February 18, 2011- Truthout: Democratic Senators Leave State to Stall Bill as Mass Protests Continue

February 18, 2011- AlterNet: Wisconsin Is a Battleground Against the Billionaire Kochs' Plan to Break Labor's Back

February 17, 2011- CFNews 13: Winds of a recall swirling around Florida’s new governor

February 17, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Wisconsin Gov. Walker Ginned Up Budget Shortfall To Undercut Worker Rights

February 17, 2011- Talking Points Memo: Report: Wis. Dem State Senators Leave State To Block Budget Quorum

February 16, 2011- Wisconsin State Journal: Prosser, Kloppenburg will advance in Supreme Court race

February 16, 2011- AlterNet: Missouri GOP Wants to Repeal Child Labor Laws

February 16, 2011- The Nation: The Betrayal of Public Workers

February 16, 2011- The Cap Times: Walker gins up ‘crisis’ to reward cronies

February 16, 2011- Robert Reich's Blog: Budget Baloney (1): Why Social Security Isn’t a Problem for 26 Years, and the Best Way to Fix It Permanently

February 16, 2011- Wisconsin State Journal: Thousands gather at Capitol to protest Walker budget bill

February 15, 2011- Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel: Present, former Packers say they back AFL-CIO

February 14, 2011- Daily Kos: 80 Years Planning: GOP 2012 Scrooge Class Sweep

February 14, 2011- NewsVine: Watchdog Group Says Billionaire Koch Bros. & Wis. Gov. Walker Are 'Taking a Page from Mubarak's Playbook' in Statewide Union Busting Scheme

February 14 2011- NYT: Common Cause Asks Court About Thomas Speech

February 12, 2011- Buzzflash: Things Don't Go Better With the Koch Brothers

February 12, 2011- LA Progressive: Class Warfare and the Ballot Box

February 11, 2011- NYT Op-Ed: When Democracy Weakens

February 11, 2011- Common Dreams: Koch Brothers’ Plans for 2012: Spend $88 Million

February 10, 2011- Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal: Nardelli moves to state job

February 10, 2011- Solve Climate News: Koch Brothers Positioned To Be Big Winners If Keystone XL Pipeline Is Approved

February 9, 2011- Polluter Watch: Pro-Koch Op-ed Betrays Claim of "journalistic integrity"

February 7, 2011- Daily Hampshire Gazette: Billionaire Koch brothers now at heart of GOP power

February 7, 2011- Prinicpled Progressive: Inside the Power and Influence of the Koch Brothers and Koch Industries

February 7, 2011- Truthout: State Budget Cuts: Starting at the Top

February 6, 2011- LA Times: Koch brothers now at heart of GOP power

February 3, 2011- Truthout: The Kochs Are Coming

February 3, 2011- LA Progressive: As Tea Party Koch Brothers Earned $11 Billion, They Laid Off Thousands

February 2, 2011- Dirt & Seeds: The Koch brothers…fund the Tea Party, make billions, lay off workers.

February 1, 2011- Think Progress: As Tea Party Koch Brothers Earned An Extra $11 Billion In Recent Years, They Laid Off Thousands

February 1, 2011- The Media Consortium: Weekly Audit: Crashing the Koch’s Billionaire Caucus

January 30, 2011- Reuters: Protesters decry conservative desert retreat

January 30, 2011- Crooks & Liars: Riot Police Guard Against Anti-Billionaire Protesters in Rancho Mirage. John Amato is on the scene

January 30, 2011- Think Progress: Koch Industries: The 100-Million Ton Carbon Gorilla

January 30, 2011- Think Progress: Wall Street Titan Ken Langone, GOP Presidential Candidate Herman Cain At Koch Brothers Meeting

January 28, 2011- Sierra Club Blog: The Billionaire Brothers Who Make Us Sick

January 28, 2011- Huffington Post: Koch Brothers Palm Springs Gathering Draws Right-Wing Billionaires

January 27, 2011- Politico: Koch conference under scrutiny

January 27, 2011- Public Citizen: Environmentalists Who Spoofed Koch Industries Did Not Break Law, Should Not Be Identified, Public Citizen Tells Court

January 27, 2011- Think Progress: Exclusive: Koch Industries Promises To Double Money Raised This Weekend, 40% Of Donors Will Be New

January 21, 2011- Huffington Post: Kochs Invade Canada

January 21, 2011- AlterNet: Priebus' Republican National Committee: A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Koch's Americans for Prosperity?

January 16, 2011- AlterNet: Angry Progressive Coalition to Protest Billionaire Gathering Hosted by Koch Brothers, Major Tea Party Funders

January 16, 2011- RAW Story: Progressives to ‘uncloak’ the secret financers behind the Tea party

January 12, 2011- Think Progress: Fulfilling Father’s Campaign To Segregate Public Schools, Koch Groups End Successful Integration Program In NC

January 8, 2011- Palm Beach Post News: Billionaire to open private high school at former JCC site

January 6, 2011- Think Progress: Tea Party Billionaire David Koch Denies Climate Change, Shrugs Off His Carbon Pollution

January 6, 2011- Gawker: Evil Koch Industries Will Crush Well-Meaning Pranksters

January 5, 2011- Newsvine: Koch cabal to plot planetary takeover Jan. 30-31: James Bond and/or just folks to the rescue?

January 5, 2011- Think Progress: Tea Party Billionaire David Koch Entertains Newly Elected Republicans On The First Day Of The New Congress

January 5, 2011: Gawker: The Desperate Campaign to Discredit Jane Mayer

January 4, 2011- Think Progress: Theater Audience Boos Tea Party Billionaire David Koch  

December 3, 2010- Freep.Com: Outside Groups Filled Coffers in Michigan wholesale NBA jerseys Congressional Races

November 23, 2010- The Nation: TSAstroturf: The Washington Lobbyists and Koch-Funded Libertarians Behind the TSA Scandal

Nover\mber 18, 2010- Technorati: Liberty Central: Repo’d by the Koch Brothers?

Navember 12, 2010- NYT: Looking to 2012, Republicans Vie for Big Donors

Novemeber 3, 2010- Huffington Post: Grassroots 'No On Prop 23' Campaign Poised to Defeat Big Oil

October 29, 2010- NPR: Shaping State Laws With Little Scrutiny

October 27, 2010- AlterNet: Koch Footprints Lead to Political Powder Keg: Exposing the Far Right's Secret Slush Fund to Keep Fear Alive

October 25, 2010- The Guardian: The Tea Party movement: deluded and inspired by billionaires

October 25, 2010- LA Times: California voters likely to keep global warming law, toss two-thirds budget passage

October 25, 2010- Washington Independendent: Latest Poll Shows California Likely to Vote ‘No’ on Prop 23

October 24, 2010- AlterNet: Tea Party Inc.: The Big Money and Powerful Elites Behind the Right Wing's Latest Uprising

October 23, 2010- Politico: GOP mega-donors look toward 2012

October 22, 2010- Democracy Now: Koch Brothers Convened Right-Wing Meeting in June

October 21, 2010- Minyanville: Billionaires Behaving Badly: The Koch Brothers

October 20, 2010- Washington Monthly: Koch Brothers Plan Ahead

October 13, 2010- The Guardian: Americans For Prosperity sponsors Tea Party workshop

October 9, 2010- CNN Blogs: The Kochs, A Nazi Past, Oil & The Foundation of The Right

October 4, 2010- Huffington Post: Filmmaker Goes Undercover to Expose Corporate Links to the Tea Party

October 1, 2011- Bloomberg: Some 3,000 Millionaires Claim Jobless Benefits, IRS Data Show

September 28, 2010- Modesto Progressive Examiner: Arnold Schwarznegger Blasts Koch Brothers and Big Oil

September 22, 2010- DNA Info: David Koch Replaces Mayor Michael Bloomberg as Manhattan's Wealthiest Man

September 21, 2010- Think Progress: Meet Mike Pompeo: The Congressional Candidate Spawned By The 'Kochtopus'

September 20, 2010- NYT Editorial: The Brothers Koch and AB 32

September 5, 2010- LA Times Editorial: California's Prop. 23, backed by oil giants with a lot to lose, needs to go down in flames

September 4, 2010- Huffington Post: Billionaire Koch Brothers Back Suspension Of California Climate Law

September 1, 2010- Common Dreams: Overworked and Underpaid? Productivity Increases, But Wage Growth Declines

August 30, 2010- The New Yorker: Covert Operations

August 29, 2010- The Moderate Voice: Billionaire Koch Brothers' Tea Party: David Koch Brings "The Sugar" of Money

August 28, 2010- NYT Opinion: The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party

August 26, 2010- Washington Post: Who is "Americans for Prosperity"?

August 24, 2010- The Week: The billionaire Koch brothers: Tea Party puppetmasters?

August 23, 2011- Reverend Manny: How Americans for Prosperity spent its summer (and Koch’s Millions)

August 13, 2010- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Officials dispute reliability of Waukesha County clerk's election data system  

July 25, 2010- NYT: The Billionaire's Party

April 18, 2010- Crooks & Liars: Koch Industries denies funding tea parties, but official filings say otherwise

April 17, 2010- the Exiled: A People’s History of Koch Industries: How Stalin Funded the Tea Party Movement

April 17, 2010- AlterNet: The Roots of Stalin in the Tea Party Movement

April 15, 2010- Talking Points Memo: Koch Industries: We Don't Fund Tea Parties (Except For The Tea Parties We Fund)

April 1, 2010- Think Progress: From Promoting Acid Rain To Climate Denial: Over 20 Years Of David Koch's Polluter Front Groups

March 30, 2010- Huffington Post: Greenpeace Unmasks Koch Industries' Funding of Climate Denial Industry

August 6, 2009- Campaign for America's Future: Fascist America: Are We There Yet?

February 5, 2008- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Justice Prosser's link to priest case assailed

October 8, 1998- All Business: Koch Industries Charged with Plotting to Steal OilFrom Federal and Indian Lands.

April 1, 1996- Business Week: Bob Dole's Oil-Patch Pals


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